
Correct syntax to add a mime-mapping to web.xml in a grails plugin

I'm trying to add a mime-mapping element to the web.xml. My current best stab is: def doWithWebDescriptor = { xml -> xml + { 'mime-mapping' { 'extension'("htc") 'mime-type'("text/x-component") } } } I know the code is being run as the above actually outputs an invalid web.xml. The follo...

How to implement ajax voting application using the Grails Framework?

any good samples of code or articles that can help? ...

How to integrate google's Step2 with acegi security in the Grails Framework?

How to integrate google's Step2 with acegi security ...

Load application class from plugin

Hi, In a Grails 1.1 plugin, I'm trying to load a class from the main application using the following code: class MyClass { static Map getCustomConfig(String configName){ return new ConfigSlurper(). parse(ApplicationHolder.application.classLoader.loadClass(configName)) } } Where configName is the name of the c...

gwt+grail.. advantages and shortcomings..

i wonder any folks doing gwt+grail integration . one advantage of grail is it has many plugins. while gwt is good and easy to create ajax ui. can anyone share some good and bad enperience doing gwt+grail integration. My question is triggered when i was looking for facebook connect . seems to me grail already has such plugin available whi...

Grails mail configuration from database

Hi all, I wants to know how can i configure grails mail plugin with datas which comes from my data base. I tried: mailService.sendMail { from Parameters.findByName("MAIL_FROM").value host Parameters.findByName("MAIL_HOST").value to "[email protected]" subject "my subject" body "Hello world" } ...but it doesn't w...

GRAILS plugin error

All, I am trying to test my grails app using Hudson. I have in grails I will run the command of test-app -unit and will recieve the following message: Running script /home/test/grails-1.1.1/scripts/TestApp.groovy Environment set to test Plugin [hibernate-1.1.1] not installed, resolving.. Reading remote plugin list ... ...

Disable Grails plugin

Hi, In my Grails app, I want to prevent the Searchable plugin from loading when running my unit tests. I tried doing this using the following code in the Bootstrap class def grailsApplication def init = {servletContext -> def currentEnv = if (currentEnv == 'test') { def doNothing ...

Grails: manage static data

Hi, I'm looking for a good solution for managing static data in a Grails app, i.e. data in infrequently changing tables such as a list of countries. My requirements are: Should be easy to internationalize the data Should provide a means of loading the static data into the database (e.g. from an XML file) when running the unit/integra...

Disabling quartz job in Grails

I am using the Quartz plugin in Grails. Is there a configuration that I can use to disable the job, without commenting out or deleting the whole file? ...

"Reverse Search" Search function for in Grails App

I searching for an useful Plugin or Idea for my app for reverse search. I am not sure if it is he right english Word for let me explain: I got a list of ingredient in my cooking app. If i choose to create a new receipt i have to scroll through the whole list of ingredients. I want to be able to add an Letter to the ingredient...

How to prevent App-wide search with Searchable Plugin?

For my Grails App i use Searchable Plugin to have an nice "google-like" Search. I followed instructions and added: class Address { static searchable =true Integer id AddressGroups addressType String briefDescription String company } It really works fine. The Problem here is that the Sea...

Breadcrumb navigation for a grails app

Hi, for my first grails project i like use a breadcrumb navigation. The only plugin i found so far is menu plugin With this plugin i was only able to create a static menu structure using the CRUD web interface. But the generated menu has its own web page, like a sitemap, and i have no clue who to integrate it into my existing web site....

Installing Nimble for Grails

I came across Nimble yesterday, but couldn't get past Step 1, configuring BuildConfig.groovy to find the Nimble's remote repository. My BuildConfig.groovy file is one line: grails.plugin.repos.discovery.intient="" Here is the message I get when running grails install-plugin nimble 0.2: Welcome...

Compiled and signed grails plug-in

Is it possible to compile and sign grails plug-in? I am thinking about distributing my application logic using grails plug-in architecture and I do not want my client to be able to read that easily .groovy or to modify it. Is it possible to package it somehow or at least distribute only compiled .class? ...

Grails, Nimble and Blogito

Hi, I tried to run the sample application of Nimble 0.2 (blogito) downloaded here : but unfortunately I got stuck with 2 major issues: When running grails run-app, I got 2 times out of 3 the following error : 2009-10-24 14:38:15,198 [main] ERROR context.ContextLoader - Context initialization faile...

Variable Variable in Groovy

Hi everybody, I'm in a project using Grails, I user beanFields plugin where I'm changing the bean:inputTemplate into the following <bean:inputTemplate> <div class="prop ${hasErrors(bean:$beanName,field:'$fieldId','errors')}">${label} <span class="value">${field} </span> </div> </bean:inputTemplate> As you ...

Grails image manipulation

Hi all, i tried to use in my grails project (1.1.1, on Mac OS X) some image manipulation plugins or java libs: imageTools plugin, imageJ, awt libs etc. Everytime i open/take image from path to start the process, jar opens in finder and eats a lot of ram. Is it correct behaviour? up...

grails gorm with multiple data sources

I am working on an application using grails to bridge the gap - supporting legacy POJO code, adding things like better session management. the current implementation relies on 3 database connections 1. hibernate hsql memory based for session management 2. oracle 10g connection to legacy database 3. oracle 10g connection to separate data...

Error loading the grails gwt module xml

Hi, I've installed the plugin from this article by Peter While compile time its not able to find the module file which is present in the plugin. Since there are no jar files for the module, can you tell me what I'm missing here.. The stack trace is as follows: ...