
Grails Searchable Plugin - termFreqs for a subset of domain instances?

I'm trying to utilize the termFreqs method provided by the Searchable plugin to generate a keyword cloud for the most popular terms found in an indexed domain class. The problem is, I only want to get the term frequencies for a subset of the records in the database. I have the following classes: class Text { String title String cont...

How to add grails taglib xmlns in gsp file to get autocompletion?

When i edit xml files (jsp etc) and i put xmlns at the root pointing to some tag library i get IDE autocompletion for these tags. I would like to have the same function for my custom made taglibs. I create taglibs in separate project (plugin) and i would like to import them into a separate project and hook up somehow. I dont know how ca...

How to monitor and maintain my grails application in live/production environment?

It is the first time I have ever launched live a website (with Grails web framework under Amazon EC2 platform and Cloud Foundry) and I realized quickly that I am not ready for monitoring and maintening correctly my application in production mode (fortunately the website is accessible to a very limited number of users) . The issues I hav...

Grails Liferay portlet not invoking action

I am trying to create a simple portlet for Liferay 5.2.2 using Grails 1.2.1 with the grails-portlets 0.7 and grails-portlets-liferay 0.2 plugins. I created and deployed a stock portlet (just updated title, description, etc...). It deploys correctly and the view renders correctly. However, when I submit the default form that is in view.g...

Role based domain class field access in grails

Hi I am developing a grails application.In that some cases I want to control the domain class fields based on the role.So that in each call to getter setter method of domain class I want to apply some filter based on role(Logged in user's role).I am assuming that grails will create getter setter method at runtime for the domin classes.S...

Error in shiro configuration in a Grails-app

Hi, i'm using the Apache Shiro as the framework for athetication of my application. I was following the reference at and my application throws the exception: No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static singleton. This is a...

Grails Acegi manual login

Is there a way to do that without using a POST request to "j_spring_security_check"? ...

Grails older plugins versions

Hi, does anybody know where to get older grails plugins versions ? Specifically I'm looking for richui 0.6 - 0.7 seems to be broken in relation to the checkedTreeView component. Thanks. ...

Interrupting grails dynamic methods

Hi I have one grails application.In that I have one model class named Book. From any controller if I am calling Book.list(), Book.get(id) and some other hibernate calls like save() I want to authorize using current login user role. If authorization fails i have to throw some error. Is there any plugin available for this. Please give me...

Grails 1.2.1 with Webflow Plugin (1.2.1) - params not being returned

I am using the webflow plugin for Grails for the first time and am having some difficulties. To summarize, once within the Webflow, no information appears to be returning to the controller from the form. All examples that I have looked at indicate that the params are returned to the controller action normally and then you can put object...

Grails UI Menu flakey behavior in IE

I'm using a GRAILS UI (1.2-SNAPSHOT) an it's implementation of the YUI menubar (YUI I am seeing flakey mouseover behavior in IE (Firefox is ok). When I mouse over the menu item with a submenu, it will show. As I try to mouse over the sub-menu, the submenu disappears before I can click. This happends in a pattern I haven't fully...

how to define logout on session expired with grails and acegi security

Hi, I'm using the Acegi security Grails plugin in my application and sometime it's look like the session expired, the session variables not available anymore like session.user , but the user is not redirect to the login page. if you know how to deal with this problem i'll be happy to get your help. Meni ...

Grails Acegi: update username

Hi, I'm using the Acegi (AKA Sprign Security) plugin in my Grails app. InSecurityConfig.groovy I have added the line userName = 'email' such that the email field is used as the username. I find that if I change the email field and save the object, e.g. = '[email protected]' true) The save com...

One's more about grails searchable plugin

Hi. I have two simple domains: public class Hotel { static searchable = true Source source City city HotelType type long sourceid float lat float lon static hasMany = [hotelTexts:HotelText] static mapping = { hotelTexts batchSize:10 } } public class HotelText { static searchable = true static belongsTo = [hotel:Hot...

Where can I find the sources for the hibernate plugin in Grails 1.2

I need to debug the hibernate because it appears to have a bug in the mapping of classes. Where can I find the sources that exactly match the hibernate 1.2 plugin that came with the grails version 1.2? Thanks. ...

grails clean having issues

Im running grails 1.2 on win7. when i try to do grails clean it fails to remove some jars in my acegi plugin. after that failure, it complains about not finding the plugin descriptor. I am forced to remove all plugins from the disk manually and then run the app again to download them again. the particular jar in acegi is ant-contrib-...

install plugins manually???

is it possible to install and uninstall plugins manually in grails?? if yes, how can it be done? ...

How to use table component added to JasperReports 3.7.2 with grails jasper plugins ?

I would like to use new table component added to JasperReports 3.7.2 with grails jasper plugins. I find this new component useful to generate tables. I have define Table dataset 1, and some fields (ex : $F{name}), problem, all my fields values are null. I have also define fields (not attached with table), and I get values. Here is my t...

Grails 1.2.0 not finding plugins in the default repository.

I do not know what changed in my environment, but all of a sudden I can not pull any plugins from the default repository. I went through the _*.groovy scripts and nothing has changed in my grails home directory and it appears that the default repository url is set correctly (DEFAULT_PLUGIN_DIST = ""). I am as...

How to use jasperreports subreports with grails jasper plugin ?

I would like to use subreports with grails jasper plugins, I followed the manual at this url ( Here is my code : Domain Book : class Book { static belongsTo = Library Library library String title String author String publisher String category static constraints={ ...