
Accessing a bean with a dot(.) in its ID

In a flow definition, I am trying to access a bean that has a dot in its ID (example: <evaluate expression="bus.MyServiceFacade.someAction()" /> However, it does not work. SWF tries to find a bean "bus" instead. Initially, I got over it by using a helper bean to load the required bean, but the solution is inelegant and uncomfortable. ...

What is the best documentation for snapshots and flow repositories in Spring Web Flow?

I'm looking for more and better documentation about snapshots, flow repositories, and flow state serialization in Spring Web Flow. Available docs I've found seem pretty sparse. "Spring in Action" doesn't talk about this. The Spring Web Flow Reference Manual does mention a couple flags here: http://static.springframework.org/spring-we...

Reuse Spring Webflow definitions with different action implementations

Hi, I got pretty big webflow definition, which I do not want to copy/paste for reusing. There are references to action bean in XML, which is kind natural. I want to use same flow definiton twice: second time with actions configured differently (inject different implementation of service to it). Is there easy way to do this? ...

Spring webflow : Move through view states

Within a spring webflow, i need to implement a navigation bar that will allow to "step back" or resume the flow to one of the previous view. For example : View 1 = login View 2 = My informations View 3 = My messages View 4 = Close session For this example, i would like to return back to view 2 from the view 4 page. ...

How do I pass model data beween a view state and action state in Spring Web Flow 2.

In the Web Flow below I bind form data to a flow variable (lifeCycleForm) on a submit event in the view state. I have verified that the name, label and description properties are all populated as expected. However, when the expression in the action state is evaluated all three properties are null. My form bean is serializable and I am j...

With Spring Webflow 2, what request parameters, if any, are necessary to trigger "submit" transition from view-state?

My view-state to action-state transition does not appear to be happening. In the following example, I want the view-state to transition to the action-state when the user submits the form. Pretty basic stuff. But the setA() method does not get called. In the jsp, does the submit input element need to have a name of "_eventId", or "_e...

How do I redirect to an ftp:// url with Spring Webflow?

I'm trying to use Spring WebFlow to redirect to a computed url to an ftp server, but in the ExternalRedirect code are the following lines: } else if (location.startsWith("http://") || location.startsWith("https://")) { sendRedirect(location, request, response); } else { sendServletRelativeRedirect(location, request, response); } Is ...

Integrating Spring Webflow 2 and Apache Tiles

I've recently started upgrading some applications to use Spring Webflow 2, and I want to make use of the new Ajax functionality that comes with Webflow 2. Can somebody please direct me to a tutorial for integrating Tiles 2 with Spring Webflow (since that's apparently what they recommend). I've found the documentation that comes with We...

Do you think the Spring WebFlow Flow Definition format would be suitable for externalising a Web Flow for a non Spring framework?

I like the idea of Spring WebFlow - particularly the way the flow definitiion abstracts the higher level web flow from components in the Spring Bean Container. The Flow definition format seems to include everything one needs in a Web Flow - views, actions, transitions, subflows, outcomes etc. Do you think the Spring WebFlow Flow Defin...

Eclipse Webflow IDE

I tried using the Spring IDE plugin (webflow) for Eclipse. It hangs on me. Anytime I Spring-enable a project, and open a flow definition file, Eclipse crawls to a halt. Each operation (read click) takes ages. My eclipse projects is a Maven project and I've Maven-enabled it using a Maven plugin for eclipse. I'm not sure if the Maven plug...

How do I write a custom converter in Spring Web Flow 2?

Hello. I am using Web Flow 2.0.7 with Spring MVC and Hibernate. My problem is about custom converters for my custom types and database connection from within my converter. Let's say I have a type Person and the Person has a field of my custom type Title, and all Titles are already in my database. Now I have an html form, in which a use...

In Spring Webflow unit test, how do you assert that a view state has a view of a given name?

I'm developing a Spring webflow, trying to use TDD so I've extended AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests. I can't see an obvious way to assert what I would have thought would be a simple thing: that a view state has an associated view of a given name. For example, given this flow (excerpt): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <flow ...> ...

Spring Web Flow - How can I set up unit test with values already in conversationScope?

I am working on a project using Spring Web Flow 2.0. I am trying to unit test a flow that begins with a decision state. The decision state checks the value of an object that is on the conversationScope. I cannot figure out how to insert a value into the conversationScope for the unit test. I have tried: getConversationScope().put("...

Is Spring ever going to combine MVC and WebFlow?

I thought I read Juergen Holler somewhere once in the past say that a future goal of Spring was to combine Spring MVC and WebFlow... Is this still the case? At the moment they still seem to be fairly separate projects, with WebFlow being recommended as an EXTENSION to MVC. As a developer it would be great if I could use both and defin...

c:foreach using List: Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, or null

So I'm trying to loop over a List<MyClass> for display in the view of my spring webflow application. However I get the error Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, or null. <c:forEach items="#{orderedStuff}" var="a"> #{a.PrettyName}test </c:forEach> I've also tried $ instead of #. Here is my xml flow definition. <view-state ...

Grails web flow

Hi, Is there any way to pass model data to a view state? Consider the following example view state: class BookController { def shoppingCartFlow = { showProducts { on("checkout").to "enterPersonalDetails" on("continueShopping").to "displayCatalogue" } } } If I want to pass the data model [products: Product.list...

Question regarding Spring Webflow 2.0 from a newbie ...

Hello, I'm new to the Spring MVC Framework and Webflow, and ofcourse, I've been thrown on a project involving these technologies. I'm having a problem that I can't get answered on the Spring website forums, so I thought I'd check with the smart people on this forum. I have a view (i.e. screen) which when I exit, I want to go to differe...

grails web flow exception handling

Hi, In my Grails app, I have defined the following (simplified) web flow def registerFlow = { start { action {RegistrationCommand cmd -> try { memberService.validateRegistrationCommandDTO(cmd) } catch (MemberException ex) { flow.regErrorCode = ex.err...

Inheritance and subflows with Spring WebFlow in grails

Spring WebFlow supports some advanced reuse features like flow inheritance and subflows. Using this features in SWF xml definitions is pretty easy, for example: <flow parent="parent"> <subflow-state id="addGuest" subflow="createGuest"> Can I use these features with weblflows in Grails? Can I define these using the SWF groovy dsl? How ...

Faces conversion service is not found for converting 'dataModel'

While creating my first swf application with JSF integration, I get the following error : Unable to load class 'dataModel' when parsing my flow definition on the first request. It appears that the FacesConversionService (the class that understands the 'dataModel' alias) is not invoked while trying to find a class for that alias, althoug...