
Grails Webflow - keeping things *out* of flow scope

I'm missing something.... I have a Grails webflow that looks like this:- def childFlow = { start { action { def targets = [] Target.list().each {target -> targets.add(new TargetCommand(name: target.name, id: target.id)) } log.debug "...

Spring webflow validation

Hi, complete and utter newbie on spring webflow (and indeed, spring mvc). 30 minutes in... got the first page of my flow appearing, which happens to be a captcha, an input field and a submit button. The actual captcha value is stored in session and i need to validate that the input field values matches the value in session. In order to...

Is there an easy way to validate that a Spring Webflow (1.0.x) has proper outputs in an attribute mapper that occurs in an end state from within an integration test?

I have several integration tests that test the execution of flows for subflows. However, I would like to be able to examine the mapped output attributes of the subflow when it ends. Is there an easy way to do this for Webflow (1.0.x)? For the record, my tests are a custom extension of AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests, so pretty much anyt...

ASP.NET => Spring Web Flow: How do I get up to speed fast?

I'm a long-time web developer who's been focusing on ASP.NET/C# for the past 5 years. For my final Masters in Software Engineering project, my team is working with a local company to build them an app using Spring Web Flow (as that's their current tech stack). I don't know the first thing about building web sites with Java. In fact th...

Grails web flow problem with browser's back button

Hi, I'm having problems to get browser's back button work properly on web flow. Version of grails is 1.1.2. Imagine example code: def someFlow = { ... fillGroup { on("addMember"){ ... }.to "fillMember" } fillMember { on("addMember") { ... }.to "fillMember" on("goToCart").to "...

Grails "not-null property references a null or transient value" exception on web flow

Hi, I'm getting "org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: not-null property references a null or transient value: A.b" exception on web flow in grails 1.1.2. there is class B { ... static belongsTo = [a:A] ... } and class A { ... static hasMany = [b:B] ... } Does anyone know what is wrong? Thank...

Grails WebFlow with Ajax

I am trying to transition to next state of a WebFlow using Ajax requests. But it stays in the same state and returns the GSP as response for that state while I am expecting the GSP for the next state. Following is the WebFlow code: def gettingStartedAjaxFlow = { flow1 { on("next") { ...

Grails web flow previous state url

Hi, is there a simple way to get previous state's URL (or flowExecutionKey is sufficient) in Grails web flow? I can get current flowExecutionKey from request['flowExecutionKey']. Or alternatively is there a way to say that you want to go to the previous state in flow (to unwind your path in graph). And I don't want to use the standard...

Dojo -webflow multiple submit buttons

I am trying to use dojo on my jsp page.I have multiple submit buttons and based on what is clicked we have the webflow configured to go the respective view.something like Next-->Goes to the next page Cancel Exit->Goes to the exit page when i use dojotype form and click on any of these submit buttons they act like "next button" and goes t...

Grails 1.2.1 with Webflow Plugin (1.2.1) - params not being returned

I am using the webflow plugin for Grails for the first time and am having some difficulties. To summarize, once within the Webflow, no information appears to be returning to the controller from the form. All examples that I have looked at indicate that the params are returned to the controller action normally and then you can put object...

Grails web flow: Possible to include the state name in the url?

I'm playing around with Google Analytics goals / funnels. I would like to use this to track a checkout process, but the web flow urls are formated in a way that makes this very hard. Would it be possible to change: http://localhost:8080/checkout/checkout?execution=e1s2 .. into something more like this: http://localhost:8080/checkout/ch...

problems with retrieving data that was saved outside of a grails webflow

Hi, this is actually connected to an earlier question of mine here. Anyway, I have 3 domains that look like this: class A { ... static hasMany = [ b : B ] ... } class B { ... static belongsTo = [ a : A ] static hasMany = [ c : C ] ... } class C { ... static belongsTo = [ b : B ] ... } In my GSP page, I call an a...

Can a webflow's action state have multiple redirects on success?

Say, I have this type of webflow: def myFlow = { state1 { } on("next").to("stateAct") stateAct { action { ... DB stuff ... } } on("success").to("state2") state2 { } on("prev").to("state1") } Now, the contents of "stateAct" is common between state1 and state2. Meaning, i...

Grails Webflow errors on first access

I've developed a simple webflow in Grails (mostly to experiment with using webflows- its a bit overkill for this case). After some trials and tribulations with Serializable objects, I have it working - sometimes. Here's the rub- the first time I access the webflow after starting the app (run-app), I get this exception: 2010-06-16 09:1...

Grails Webflow not auto-reloading

Hey all- I'm working on some web flows for a Grails app we're building. I'm (slowly) getting the hang of the webflows themselves, but progress is severely limited due to the fact that changes to the webflow controller are not auto-reloading in Tomcat on save; basically, I need to bounce the app every time I make a change. As you can im...

Hot to get HttpServletRequest from MockExternalContext

Hi experts. Now I'm working on a spring web-flow unit test. I have to retrieve "HttpServletRequest" from MockExternalContext. But MockExternalContext don't support providing HttpServletRequest.How can I do to solve this problem ...

View inheritance problem

I have copied this question here from spring forum. I have a parent flow and a child flow. The parent flow has following folder structure parent | |--parent-flow.xml |--parentView.xhtml This parent has following view-state <view-state id="parentState" view="parentView.xhtml"> </view-state> Child flow looks like ...

Disable validate on previous state

How to disable validate when go to previous state? <view-state id="step2State" view="q_step2" model="questionModel"> <binder> <binding property="abcDate" required="true" /> <binding property="defDate" required="true" /> </binder> <transition on="prev" to="step1State" /> <transition on="next" to="step3Action" /> </view-state> a...

How to I render validation results in a Grails Web Flow?

I have a Grails WebFlow that is similar to the following example: def myFlow = { init { action { def domain = MyDomain.get(params.id) flow.domain = domain ? domain : new MyDomain() } on('success').to 'first' } first { on('continue') { flow.domain.properties...

Rendering a PDF in a Grails Web Flow end state

I am using the Rendering plugin to generate a PDF from within a Web Flow. The problem is that I cannot get my end state to return the PDF response. If I call: renderPdf(template: "/letter/generate/createpdf", model: [letter: flow.letter], filename: 'doc.pdf') From within my end state action, it still tries to return an end state view....