
Can I use UIPerformance grails plugin and host my static resources in another domain?

The UIPerfomance plugin is an easy way to speed up your web pages by applying some of the best practices rules from Yahoo performance team (like minifying, setting a far-future expires header, versioned images...) Unfortunately I didn't find a way to store the static resources in a location outside of the webapplication which has his o...

Grails: No tag library for namespace. Cannot use any plugins with custom taglibs.

I can't seem to use any of the grails ui plugins such as richui or grails-ui. I used grails install-plugin to install them, and grails list-plugins shows that they are correctly installed. However, whenever I use their provided taglibs in my views, I get this exception: Tag [tabview] does not exist. No tag library found for namespace:...

Copying a folder from pluginBasedir to the target project

Hi, I want one folder to be copied from my plugin's base directory (pluginBasedir) to the target project when someone installs my plugin. If I keep that folder within web-app, it gets copied. But I want to keep that folder under base directory. Do I have to ovverride _GrailsPluginDev.groovy script? Regards, Paras ...

Maven does not resolve a local Grails plug-in

My goal is to take a Grails web application and build it into a Web ARchive (WAR file) using Maven, and the key is that it must populate the "plugins" folder without live access to the internet. An "out of the box" Grails webapp will already have the plugins folder populated with JAR files, but the maven build script should take care of...

How do I configure logging for a grails plugin ?

Hello, I'm creating my first grails plugin and I don't know where the logging should be configured. In a normal grails app, there is a conf/Config.groovy file for that, but for a plugin there is none. Is there another way to achieve this ? I would like to see debug messages when I launch my plugin unit and integration tests... Thanks ...

Grails Detect if a Plugin is Installed

Is there a way in Grails to Detect that a plugin is installed. For example I need to know if the "Acegi" plugin is installed. If it is then I can run different Code. If the plugin is not installed (which is a viable option) then I can run different code. Thanks in Advance. ...

How to run tests in plugins?

We have splitted our grails application into several inplace-plugins. Now we want to have the tests in the same plugin like the classes which they test. Is it possible to configure our application (e.g. in BuildConfig.groovy) so that the tests in the plugins are executed too when we run "test-app"? ...

GrailsUI (YUI) data table hover event

Hello, How to make the data table rows change color as hover over it. The YUI example is here link text I tried something like <script> GRAILSUI.myDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoverEvent", GRAILSUI.myDataTable.onEventHighlightRow); GRAILSUI.myDataTable.subscribe("rowMouseoutEvent", GRAILSUI.myDataTable.onEventUnhighlightRow);...

Is there an equivalent to the Bootstrap class in a Plugin

Is there an a way to initialise some data in a Plugin. I am modulizing my code and it would be nice to have something like the bootstrap in the Plugin but I cannot find it. Nor can I find references using the Google. ...

Anyone using grailsflow in its Plug-in or Demo version?

Grailsflow seems to be broken (as of Jan 2010) with Grails 1.2 or above, in both 'demo' and the plug-in flavours. Is there anyone out there using it? Have moved code out of the plug-in into my BootStrap.groovy, so the app will start. @see jcatalog forum post But still need to work around or resolve the error in all views. See stac...

JQuery -ui plugin not working in Grail

I m using Grails 1.3.2 along with jquery- For tab & dialog component i install the plugin jquery-ui 1.8.2. I follow the instraction given at But i m unable to show the jquery tab in my project. ...

grails,gae - errror with run-app

Hi, I installed latest gae plugin(0.8.2) and try to run my app(gorm-jpa, grails 1.3.2 as its the only supported version) I get the following error. Cleared my classpath-doesnt help Has anyone solved this/any ideas Help is much appreciated Bala Cannot run program "C:\jdk1.6.0_16\jre\bin\java.exe": CreateProcess err...

Grails and plugin-provided views

Hi there, I was wondering if there has been any development on the bug ? It says that it's resolved but when I try to use it in 1.3.1 (latest at the time of writing as far as I know) it still does not work. ...

[xfire] How to return a mixed array?

Hi all, I'm working on XFire (on Grails) to expose a simple web service. The GaUser class has several subclasses (e.g. employee, admin, etc). The problem is that from this service, I only get the GaUser object, without the fields in the subclass. GaUser findUserByUserId( String userId ){ GaUser user = GaUser.findByUserId( userI...

[grails + xfire] How to map geo types?

Hi all, I have this class in Grails: import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point class MouseMove { /** map latlon coordinates */ Point geoLocation // other stuff static mapping = { geoLocation type: org.hibernatespatial.GeometryUserType } } When I try to return this class in an xfire service, the SOAP cl...

using service account as ldapManagerDN

I am using a "service account" for ldapManagerDN to do LDAP authentication for my Grails web app, and I have found the following problem: if the service account is set up (in Active Directory) to be able to log on to any machine, it is working fine, but if the service account is set up to be limited log on to just couple of machines, the...

Grails: How do I make my page load a filter when the page loads??

On index.gsp I have this to redirect it to list.gsp so I'm imagining is should be something like this: ${response.sendRedirect("entry/list")} My filter is just one textField and two datePickers with drop down boxes (DD-MMM-YYYY) and they should be by default filtered from today's date to infinity. So it should show me only the events ...

grails - how to make filter recognize values from datePicker using Grails Calendar Plugin?

I was using regular datePicker from grails but I decided it was easier to use a textField with a calendar next to it and I was recommended to use Grails-UI. My problem is that now, when I click to apply the filters, they do not work. Somehow they are not being recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code for the...

Grails: not finding plugin classes

Hi I use STS for Grails development. When I install a plugin the IDE does not find some core classes of the plugin. Example: import grails.plugins.nimble.core.AdminsService gives "Unable to resolve class import grails.plugins.nimble.core.AdminsService" . The project runs OK. Also, I can't find that classes myself in the project...

How to integrate a "Poll module" into a grails application ?

In my grails application, I would like to integrate a simple "Poll module" where people can vote (without authentication) with different options integrated into the homepage website. Poll Results (graphical preferably) can be shown in a different page (or in the same module frame). Do you know if there is a grails plugin or any other si...