
YUI DataTable .NET webservice

Does anyone have an example of using of populating a YUI DataTable with a .NET webservice? Thanks in advance. :) ...

Optimizing deletion of multiple rows in a YUI datatable

Deletion operations seems to be the slowest in a YUI datatable. I have a datatable with > 300 rows. I need to delete selected rows. I tried removing the selected records from the recordset and then calling table.render() .. While this is okay, can it be made better? ...

How can I avoid EXTjs with YUI-based alternatives to EditorGridPanel and ColumnTree?

There's some discussion at my work about using Jack Slocum's EXTjs library as an extension to YUI (already in use) for a project in development. I'd like to help avoid a dependence on EXTjs's commercial licensing model if possible. The primary two features desired from EXTjs are EditorGridPanel and ColumnTree. As far as I can see, it ...

How to parse NULL value returned using YUI datasource

I am using YUI datatable and datasource to render data in one of my projects. The data returned happens to be NULL and YUI datasource is unable to parse it. Below is the declaration code of datasource and datatable. For readability sake, I am seperating each of the declarations. Column Descriptions declaration var columnDe...

How to make YUI datasource parse Null values in the dataset?

I am using YUI datatable and datasource to render data in one of my projects. The data returned happens to be NULL and YUI datasource is unable to parse it. Below is the declaration code of datasource and datatable. For readability sake, I am seperating each of the declarations. Column Descriptions declaration var columnDe...

yui, form submission and data table

I'm a Java programmer, but not a JavaScript programmer. I have just discovered YUI, and am trying to get started using it. What I'd like to try and do is have the query form at the top of the page, the user press Submit and the results show up in a YUI DataTable below the query form. Normally, of course, on a HTML form the user presses ...

YUI DataTable - Howto have just one paginator?

Hello, I'm using the YUI DataTable in a Grails 1.1 project using the Grails UI plugin 1.0.2 (YUI being 2.6.1). By default, the DataTable displays 2 paginators: one above and another one below the table. Looking up the YUI API documentation, I could see that I can pass an array of YUI containers as a config parameter but - what are the ...

how do I link my YUI datatable so it is resized when the YUI layout panel it is in is resized

I'm developing a fairly simple database fed web app, that really just displays the contents of a DB in a grid control. I have a YUI datatable control which displays the data in a grid, and it resides inside a YUI layout control which splits my screen into 4 panels. The datable is sized to fit entirely into one panel of the yui layout co...

yui datatable error

I have a problem with json data insertion in my DataTable. Here an example of json data send by server : {"geneItemList":"{"col":"symbol","qv":"cd4","limit":"-1","start":"0","geneid":"920","name":"CD4" ,"symbol":"CD4","lastupdated":"2009-05-20 10:01:52.0","lastmodified":"2009-05-20 11:12:37.0"} ,... And here my YUI code : <script ty...

Retaining an initial value in an editable field in YUI Datatable

Hi, I am new with YUI development and Javascript, and have inherited a web app that uses some YUI code. It has a datatable that has a field which is editable. I need to do a check on this field once it has been edited, and do a calculation based on the new and old values. Basically what I'm asking is how do I retain the original value ...

Yui Datatable with AutoComplete and Pagination

I try to understand how use server-side Pagination for Dynamic Data (I see example : http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/datatable/dt_dynamicdata.html). My problem is I can not customize my request, when I try the pagination, my request is : qct-list.htmlsort=geneid&dir=asc&startIndex=50&result=25 The request should be in the follo...

YUI dataTable row expandable/collapsible

Does someone have already made a script as following examples with YUI dataTable ? Example : http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/tree/column-tree.html http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/grid-plugins.html I am looking for an example which produce same thing under YUI dataTable. I see this example with yui dataTable (http://www...

How to display images in datatable?

How to display an image instead of a bool value in a cell in datatable? The datatable is associated with a datasource. ...

How to restrict displaying paginator only in Header or Footer in YUI?

How to restrict displaying paginator only in Header or Footer in YUI with out using any extra div tag? By default it is being displayed both at the top and bottom of the table. ...

YUI DataTable Sorting

Hello, I'm using a YUI datatable to create some basic client side sorting for some stats, returned via a web service I've created. Didn't quite want to figure out YUI's ajax datasource stuff, so I'm loading the data in via jquery and addRow()'ing the data. The problem is, all the data is not sorting properly. The string field seems to b...

Is there a way to set the CSS information for a particular instance of YUI DataTable?

The place were I wnat to use the YUI DataTable is in a wiki that allows HTML and javascript. I have created the custom table, put it in a div and gave it an ID and it works really well except that it usees the CSS from the container wiki page and visually it is not presentable. I would like to be able to set the CSS information for this ...

Performance hit if I use many YUI DataTable controls in a page

I am planning to use YUI DataTables (for look-up) extensively in my web application. I may give option to open approximately 15 DataTables in a page. I am taking care of caching the content. I would like to know if there would any performance hit on the application. Any inputs are appreciated. ...

YUI JSON Datatable: how to dynamically change the request without POST

I have been playing with server side sorting/paging using YUI DataTable, and everything is working as expected. I want to be able to have something like a form input element to restrict the rows in the table, and my json proxy can handle it, for example: new YAHOO.util.DataSource("/php/json_proxy.php?") will return everything, wherea...

Flicker in ASP.NET when using MVC and YUI Datatable

link text Issue can be seen by clicking link text above... Hello - I'm a newbie to ASP.NET MVC and The Yahoo! User Interface libraries. I've created a page that has a simple table and used the YUI Datatable example to create a nicely formatted datatable from an HTML table that exists on the page. The problem is that when the page rende...

YUI Datatable Column Filter

Does anyone know of any plugins/extentions to the YUI Datatable that will allow column sorting similar to how a sharepoint grid works. I'm looking for something that works/looks a bit like this from sharepoint (click on the clumn header, and a drop down appears with options to filter the datatable based on the data in that column): An...