
Building a YUI component from a tree and a datatable

I want to build a component that is composed of a treeview and a datatable, in a layout similar to the Windows Open Dialog. I am using a custom treeview and a custom datatable, derived from YUI's own, but I know they work because they work on their own (and they only perform configurations and add custom events). I tried various ways, ...

YUI DataTable - how to avoid 'Stop running this script?' confirm message

I am using YUI DataTable in my web application. While my DataTable is fetching the data if I close that and move on to other DataTable I keep getting the message 'Stop running this Script?' confirm message. I want to avoid this message and I want to stop the script from running as soon as I close the DataTable. Please give your suggestio...

original request for yui-datable and paginator displays 'no records'

I have a simple table that performs a JSON request to get data. Everything worked fine until I got too many records and added a paginator. Now, the initial request returns 52, entries, but my yui-databale displays 'no records', until I change let's say the number of items per page, then it refreshes the widget properly. Here's the code...

How do I capture YUI Mouse events on datatable?

When the the mouse is dragged over few datatable cells, I need to draw an overlay spanning the cells over which the mouse was dragged. How do I do this with YUI? I tried setting a variable on cellMousedownEvent which I can use when cellMouseUpEvent occurs. But the variables I tried to set on cellMousedownEvent are not getting set. ...

YUI Datatable In A Panel Not Registering Events

Hi all, I have a datatable within a panel dialog. The datatable displays ok...however....no events are being registered, liked sort, row selection etc. Nothing at all. Not a sausage. If the datatable is not inside a panel then row selection, sorting etc. works perfectly fine. Here is my code. I would be forever grateful if you could po...

Grails UI datatable dynamic dropdownOptions

Using the datatable, within the Grails UI plugin, does anyone know how to make the list of dropdownOptions dynamic? You can specify the dropdownOptions like this: [age:'Age', formatter:'number', editor:[type:'dropDown', controller:'demo', action:'tableChange', config:[dropdownOptions: ['Foo', 'Bar'], disableBtns:true]], sortab...

YUI DataTable sort number with link

I have columns that are basically <td><a href="somewhere">399.99</a> If I set parser:"number" on the column, I get a blank column, but if I don't, the sorting is not a numeric sort. Is there a better parser that can handle links around the number? The code is for http://paulisageek.com/compare/cpu/ ...

Get full data set, sorted with YUI Data Table with Pagination

I hope I am describing my issue enough.. here goes: I have a YUI data table, get a server side set of records via JSON, and then populates the data. Users can click on the headers to sort the data in three of the 6 columns, (which are using a custom sort function for each column). The sorting is done client-side. When a user sorts th...

Can i change the layout of YUI datatable?

My web application uses YUI datatables to show records to the user. I dont want it to be a rows and columns layout. Can I use my own layout for example all data of a record within a single row and single column. Consider StackOverflow questions page. Is it possible for me to do like this with YUI datatable? ...

Why my yui datatable within an updatepanel disappears after postback?

I got my YUI datatable rendered with my json datasource inside an updatepanel... If i click a button within that updatepanel causes postback and my yui datatable disappears Why yui datatable within an updatepanel disappears after postback? EDIT: I am rendering YUI Datatable once again after each post back which is not a form submit....

Why does calling the YUI Datatable showCellEditor not display the editor?

Clicking on the second cell (any row) in the datatable causes the cell editor to display. But, I am trying to display the cell editor from code. The code looks like the following: var firstEl = oDataTable.getFirstTdEl(rowIndex); var secondCell = oDataTable.getNextTdEl(firstEl); oDataTable.showCellEditor(secondCell); When I...

YUI Column Selection

I'm having issues using YUI's DataTable Column Selection Functionality. I've tried, myEndColDataTable.subscribe("theadCellClickEvent", myEndColDataTable.onEventSelectColumn); and myEndColDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function (oArgs) { this.selectColumn(this.getColumn(oArgs.target)); }); The issue is, I h...

How do I set YUI2 paginator to select a page other than the first page?

I have a YUI DataTable (YUI 2.8.0r4) with AJAX pagination. Each row in the table links to a details/editing page and I want to link from that details page back to the list page that includes the record from the details page. So I have to a) offset the AJAX data correctly and b) tell YAHOO.widget.Paginator which page to select. According...

Exporting data from a YUI DataTable

What's the easiest/fastest way to grab data out of a YUI DataTable and turn it into a single CSV or TSV string? I basically just want to implement a one-click way to get the entire DataTable (it should preserve the currently-applied sorting) into a form that users can paste into a spreadsheet. My DataTable can get pretty big - 5000 to 1...

yui datatable inline cell editor problem

Hi, When using inline cell editor in my datatable I want to round value to 10 multiple This is my code : mydatatable.subscribe("cellDblclickEvent",datatable_DetailsCommande.onEventShowCellEditor); var onCellEdit = function(oArgs) { var oColumn=oArgs.editor.getColumn(); var column=oColumn.ge...

YUI DataTable with JSON and client side filtering Data Error

Hi, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here ! I keep getting a Data Error. But I validated the JSON and it's ok... Here is the javascript from the YUI Datatble example (slightly modified). <pre class="prettyprint"><code> <script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", function() { //var Ex = YA...

How to use linkbuttons within yui datatable?

I use yui datatable and i have a field which is resumePath which is path to a file in a folder in my application... So how to use linkbutton and show my path on it... { key: "resumepath", label: "Resumepath", width: 250, formatter: YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatLink } and this doesnt work any suggestion... I want to make this file to do...

deactivate datatable celleditor

Hi, I want to deactivate cell editor on this datatable column when an event is fired {key:"QComUv", label:"Qte com (UV)", formatter:QComUvFormatter, editor:"textbox",className:"textInput", sortable:true} I tried mydatatable.destroyCellEditor(); but I dont got what I want Any idea please Thanks, ...

Grails YUI- Datatable complete refresh

Hi, I have inserted a paginator for my YUI-Datatable. Now I want to refresh my whole page, when the user has changed the view in my Datatable. YUI makes just a refresh (remoteCall) for itself, but I need a refresh for the whole page, because I want to update my Flashanimation too. For any sugest I would be very grateful, Geeronimo 'g...

Using cellUpdateEvent with YUI DataTable and JSON DataSource

I'm working with a UI that has a (YUI2) JSON DataSource that's being used to populate a DataTable. What I would like to do is, when a value in the table gets updated, perform a simple animation on the cell whose value changed. Here are some relevant snippets of code: var columns = [ {key: 'foo'}, {key: 'bar'}, {key: 'baz'} ...