
How to make a composite Zend Form Element that includes a Dojo Field

I used the zendcast video to get me this far. The form is properly displayed. However, I need to change the display order box into a number box of zend dojo type. I cannot figure it out. Even help with examples would be great. <?php class My_View_Helper_CategoryDetailElement extends Zend_View_Helper_FormElement { protected $html ...

JSF Composite Component

I'm trying to create a composite component for use in my Seam application, and I'm running into problems with the simplest "hello, world" component. I have placed a file named hello.xhtml in {jboss deploy}/application.ear/application.war/resources/greet : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Is it possible to specify a return type of "Derivative(of T)" for a MustOverride sub in VB.NET?

VB.NET 2008 .NET 3.5 I have two base classes that are MustInherit (partial). Let's call one class OrderBase and the other OrderItemBase. A specific type of order and order item would inherit from these classes. Let's call these WebOrder (inherits from OrderBase) and WebOrderItem (inherits from OrderItemBase). Now, in the grand sche...

composed_of in Rails - when to use it?

When should you use ActiveRecord's composed_of class method? ...

Using JavaCC to infer semantics from a Composite tree

Hi all, I am programming (in Java) a very limited symbolic calculus library that manages polynomials, exponentials and expolinomials (sums of elements like "x^n * e^(c x)"). I want the library to be extensible in the sense of new analytic forms (trigonometric, etc.) or new kinds of operations (logarithm, domain transformations, etc.), s...

GWT : Composite not displaying

I have a this code for the layout : grid = new Grid(15, 15); tiles = new Tile[15][15]; for (int i = 0; i != 15; i++) { for (int j = 0; j != 15; j++) { tiles[i][j] = new Tile('a'); grid.setWidget(i, j, tiles[i][j]); tiles[i][j].setVisible(tru...

GridView: Control Designer

Hi, I have a question regarding the GridView and the Control Designer of it. I've made a composite control inherited of the GridView. I would like to make some new created BoundField controls available in the designer of the GridView control? So that I can select the custom BoundField control from the Available fields list. Anyone got ...

MySQL: how to index an "OR" clause

I'm executing the following query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE field1='value' AND (field2 >= 1000 OR field3 >= 2000) There is one index over field1 and another composited over field2&field3. I see MySQL always selects the field1 index and then makes a join using the other two fields which is quite bad because it needs to join 146...

GWT uibinder composite

I'm creating a composite uibinder widget with a Label and a TextBox. The intented use is: <x:XTextBox ui:field="fieldName" label="a caption" > The text to be put in the box. </x:XTextBox> I've found how to catch the label with a custom @UiConstructor constructor, I might add another parameter to the constructor, but I would like ...

Problem with SWT ScrolledComposite cutting off information.

I'm making an application that has many lines of data coming back from a Database stub(which will become an Oracl database), and for some reason the srcoll bar stops at about the 500th element. I'm wondering if there's anyway to have all the elements show within the scroll bar. ...

Wpf Composite application

Hi, I am new to WPF application and are developing a new WPF application which does 4 different things (4 different modules). I was googling around and found regarding WPF composite application. I was reading through the msdn articles but and a few a different place but all the apps are very large and so understanding them is a bit di...

Using Composition in ruby

I'm new Ruby but been a .net dev for many a year. I want to implement composition within a couple of my model to make sure they are as loosely coupled as possible but have no idea where to start, or if this is really needed and I'm still thinking to much like a .net dev. Can anyone give me some pointers on where to start. Cheers Colin ...

Composite Views and View Controllers

Hi, I'm somewhat new to Android and am in the process of designing an application with a couple fairly complex views. One of the views is intended to involve a complex view displaying information associated with model objects and segregated into several different views; the navigation of which is meant to be achieved using sliding effe...

Ajax-enabled composite component

I am using composite components in my JSF 2.0 project, and I want to combine my composite components with like this: <ex:mycompositecomponent> <f:ajax event="change" render="anotherComponent" /> </ex:mycompositecomponent> Is there any way to do that? Yours sincerely Jonathan Frank ...

WPF Prism interesting sample application

Hi, I'm looking for a good example of WPF Prism (or Composite Application Guidance) sample code that would not be as complicated as the StockTraderRI or as simple as HelloWorld but could explain all the important aspect of writing an application with Prism, preferably with database connection. Tutorials are also appreciated. I have googl...

How to create an entity with a composite primary key containing a generated value.

Using Hibernate + annotations, I'm trying to do the following: Two entities, Entity1 and Entity2. Entity1 contains a simple generated value primary key. Entity2 primary key is composed by a simple generated value + the id of entity one (with a many to one relationship) Unfortunately, I can't make it work. Here is an excerpt of the ...

JSF 2 composite:actionSource exposing commandButtons in ui:repeat

Hi, In my composite component, I have a ui:repeat that has, among other static things, a command button, like this: <ui:repeat var="article" value="#{cc.attrs.articleList}"strong>Aricle: #{article}</strong> <h:commandButton id="addToFavs" value="Subscribe" binding="..." type="..." > <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#...

Inheriate from a custom CompositeControl

Hi I am hoping for some help. I have created a composite control that has some basically functions. I would like to be able to take that composite control and reuse the code. How do I do this? I have created a class and inheriated from my cc public class PasswordTextBox : RoundedTextBox now if I add another property to the new cc ev...

How to display composite-in

Hello, I'm trying to display a live stream from an old fotocamera on my computer, by making use of the tv-out. It is a composite jackit. I have also a composite portal on my pc. But I don't know how to capture from it. Do I have to instal certain Drivers and what kind of program is easy to use to preview live my foto camera (it works...

Insert Parent - Children in Castle ActiveRecord

Hi everybody, I am using Castle ActiveRecord to mapping database. I have a simple database like this: And mapping code: Group: [ActiveRecord("[Group]")] public class Group : ActiveRecordBase { private long m_ID; private string m_GroupName; private string m_Description; private IList<Contact> m_...