



Hi, I have a question regarding the GridView and the Control Designer of it.

I've made a composite control inherited of the GridView. I would like to make some new created BoundField controls available in the designer of the GridView control? So that I can select the custom BoundField control from the Available fields list.

Anyone got a clue about this one?


Example of a custom bound field

namespace CustomControls
public class CompositeBoundField : BoundField
    protected override object GetValue(Control controlContainer)
        object item = DataBinder.GetDataItem(controlContainer);
        return DataBinder.Eval(item, this.DataField);

public class CompositeCheckBoxField : CheckBoxField

    protected override object GetValue(Control controlContainer)
        /*bool isChecked = false;
        if (this.DataField.ToLower() == "true")
            isChecked = true;

        object item = DataBinder.GetDataItem(controlContainer);
        return isChecked;

        object item = DataBinder.GetDataItem(controlContainer);
        return DataBinder.Eval(item, this.DataField);


And add this to the config


            <add assembly="App_Code" namespace="CustomControls" tagPrefix="cc"/>

Then you use it in your ASP.NET page. Hope this helps.

Curtis White