Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/XMLDataStore.class.php on line 981
The curious thing about this error is not the memory leak, which would be easy enough to troubleshoot. Rather, it is the fact that XMLDataStore.class.php is only 850 lines long, which I have verified in multiple text editors.
This is with the PHP 5.3 bundled with Snow Leopard. I'm not using an opcode cache. Here is my php.ini:
allow_url_fopen = Off
error_reporting = -1
display_errors = 1
display_startup_errors = 1
date.timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'
output_buffering = Off
realpath_cache_size = 0k
XMLDataStore.class.php has recently been refactored and it used to be longer than 981 lines. It's almost as if PHP has cached a 2-week-old version and is reading that. I'm positive that the current version at /Library/WebServer/Documents/XMLDataStore.class.php is only 850 lines long, though.