We have the application with tabs interface. Currently each tab is loaded as the separated page. And now we need to rework it in the way that tab content should be loaded via ajax.
Unfortunately just load the content is with Ajax not enough. User should be able to add to bookmarks each tab. That is why the entire URL should change on tab switch. Also indexing bots should not have problems on following the link in the tab.
I saw a nice solution on Facebook tabs: they use the anchor to store the URL like this: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info&ref=profile&id=1241403629#/profile.php?v=wall&ref=profile&id=1241403629
How can I implement this solution with jQuery? Is there a ready to use plugin?
Also cool thing is that after a click on such bookmark Facebook automatically redirects me to: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=wall&ref=profile&id=1241403629
How is that possible?