Further notes on my database design and some use cases.
Table Design
This is the main table (basically based on iCalendar schema) that stores event. The event may be a typical event, or a meeting, public holiday etc.
event (event_id (PK), dtstart, dtend, ... --other icalendar fields--)
If a particular type of event has extra information that I have to keep track, I decorate it with another table. For instance, the table to store e-leave specific information. (total_days is not a computed field as part of the requirements)
event_leave (event_id (PK/FK->event), total_days, leave_type_id (FK->leave_type))
Leave type table stores some information on each leave type. For instance, does the application needs approval/recommendation etc. Besides that, it also stores the maximum carry forward allowed. I assume the maximum carry forward would not be altered frequently.
leave_type (leave_type_id (PK), name, require_support, require_recommend, max_carry_forward)
Users are divided into groups, and each group will be given a number of days available for leave for some of the leave_type. Data stored in this table will be populated annually (a new revision for each year). It only stores the number of leave given for each group, not per user.
leave_allocation (leave_allocation_id, year(PK), leave_type_id (PK/FK->leave_type), total_days, group_id)
Next is the table to store carry forward information. This table will be populated once every year for each user. This table will be populated once a year as calculation on the fly is not easy. The formula of counting leave_carry_forward for the user is:
leave_carry_forward(2009) = min(leave_allocation(2008) + leave_carry_forward(2007) - leave_taken(2008), maximum_carry_forward());
leave_carry_forward (leave_carry_forward_id, user_id, year, total_days)
Some Example Use Cases and Solution
Calculate Balance (WIP)
To calculate balance, I make a query to the view declared as follows
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS leave_remaining_days;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW leave_remaining_days AS
SELECT year, user_id, leave_type_id, SUM(total_days) as total_days
SELECT allocated.year, usr.uid AS "user_id", allocated.leave_type_id,
FROM users usr
JOIN app_event._leave_allocation allocated
ON allocated.group_id = usr.group_id
SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM event.dtstart) AS "year", event.user_id,
leave.leave_type_id, leave.total_days * -1 AS total_days
FROM app_event.event event
LEFT JOIN app_event.event_leave leave
ON event.event_id = leave.event_id
SELECT year, user_id, leave_type_id, total_days
FROM app_event._leave_carry_forward
GROUP BY year, user_id, leave_type_id;
Populate leave_allocation table at the beginning of year
public function populate_allocation($year) {
return $this->db->query(sprintf(
'INSERT INTO %s (%s)' .
"SELECT '%s' AS year, %s " .
'FROM %s ' .
'WHERE "year" = %s',
'year, leave_type_id, total_days ...', //(all the fields in the table)
empty($year) ? date('Y') : $year,
'leave_type_id, total_days, ..', //(all fields except year)
empty($year) ? date('Y') - 1 : $year - 1
->count() > 0; // using the database query builder in Kohana PHP framework
Populate leave_carry_forward table at the beginning of year
Find out leave type assigned to the user
I would probably need to rename this view (I am bad in naming stuff...). It is actually a leave_allocation table for a user.
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS user_leave_type;
SELECT la.year, usr.uid AS user_id, lt.leave_type_id, lt.max_carry_forward
FROM users usr
JOIN app_event._leave_allocation la
JOIN app_event._leave_type lt
ON la.leave_type_id = lt.leave_type_id
ON usr.group_id = la.group_id
The actual query
INSERT INTO leave_carry_forward (year, user_id, leave_type_id, total_days)
SELECT '{$this_year}' AS year, user_id, leave_type_id, MIN(carry_forward) AS total_days
SELECT year, user_id, leave_type_id, total_days AS carry_forward
FROM leave_remaining_days
SELECT year, user_id, leave_type_id, max_carry_forward AS carry_forward
FROM user_leave_type
WHERE year = {$last_year}
GROUP BY year, user_id, leave_type_id;