I am using google app engine java as my host, and TinyFBClient
I got the Permissions error when trying to get the list of friend from a user: TinyFBClient fb = new TinyFBClient("api","secret"); TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(); tm.put("uid", "725391757"); String friendList = fb.call("friends.get", tm);
friendlist is the == {"error_code":200,"error_msg":"Permissions error","request_args":[{"key":"api_key","value":""},{"key":"call_id","value":"1259601788734"},{"key":"format","value":"JSON"},{"key":"method","value":"friends.get"},{"key":"secret_key","value":"xxx"},{"key":"uid","value":"725391757"},{"key":"v","value":"1.0"},
why the hell i need permission to get the friend list? how do i get the permission?
many thanks