



I have a model not unlike the following:

class Bike(models.Model):
    made_at = models.ForeignKey(Factory)
    added_on = models.DateField(auto_add_now=True)

All users may work at a number of factories and therefore their user profiles all have a ManyToManyField to Factory.

Now I want to construct a ModelForm for Bike but I want the made_at list to consist of only factories at which the current user works. The idea is that users should be able to add bikes that they've assembled and enter which of the factories the bike was made at.

How do I do that?

+1  A: 

try something like this in the view

form  = BikeForm()
form.fields["made_at"].queryset = Factory.objects.filter(user__factory)

modify the Factory queryset so that it identifies the factory which the user works at.

+2  A: 

You question might be a dupe of this.

S. Lott's answer there is the ticket to solve your problem.
