



This is an excerpt from my config/routes.rb file:

resources :accounts do |account|

      account.resource :profile, :except => [:new, :create, :destroy]

      account.resources :posts,
                        :collection => { :fragment => :get },
                        :has_many => [:comments, :likes]

      # even more code


I would like that each nested resource to be loaded from from the account namespace such as Account::PostsController instead of PostsController.

Using resources :accounts, :namespace => 'account' tries to load AccountPostsController.

Trying to nest the structure doesn't really work all that well:

map.namespace :account do |account|

The previous code will load the files from the locations I want, however it does add the namespace to the url and the generated paths so I'll have methods such as account_account_posts_url and similar paths.

Another alternative is to use something like:

account.resource :profile, :controller => 'account/profile'

I really don't like this as it involves both code duplication and forces me to remove some of the rails magic helpers.

Any thoughts and suggestions?


How about something like this?

map.resources :accounts do |accounts|
  accounts.with_options(:namespace => "account") do |account|
    account.resource :profile, :except => [:new, :create, :destroy]

I haven't tried this so have no idea if it will work, but it's a start. See Rails Routing for more detailed info and options on what can be done with Rails Routes.

After Down vote

So I ran some test. Changing my routes.rb and running rake routes and came up with the following (pretty close to what I had to begin with):

map.resources :accounts do |accounts|
  accounts.namespace :account do |account|
    account.resource :profile, :except => [:new, :create, :destroy]

This gets you what you want. The correct url and pointing to account/... controller.

Tony Fontenot
Many thanks. I don't know who modded you down, but you definitely get a +1 from me.
No worries. Glad you got the route definitions you needed. The down mark was more than likely due to the `I haven't tried this so have no idea if it will work` statement.
Tony Fontenot

So what's specifically wrong with namespacing? I think this is what you're trying to do:

map.namespace :account do |account|
  account.resource :profile

This will try to load the controller at app/controllers/account/profiles_controller.rb and will generate routes such as account_profile_path.

Updated based on comment:

map.resources :accounts do |account| 
 account.resource :profile

Will give you /accounts/22/profile.

Ryan Bigg
Thank you for your reply. Sorry for not being to clear, but what I'm after is a route that looks like this:/accounts/22/profileThe above code would generate account/profile.