




Hi there I have a DLL project in VS08 and it references some code from lib32eay.dll(openssl). When I build the dLL it works fine on my machine since I have openssl installed. However my clients dont have openssl installed so they will get error running my app as it references the openssl dll. How do I build a DLL project so it can include all the needed stuff so I dont need to worry about clients not having some missing 3rd party libraries etc.??


You should statically link openssl inside your project. Use the statically linkable .lib files in your openssl lib folder and your problems will be gone

+1  A: 

One option which would not require lib32eay.dll to be present at all is to build it as a static library (.lib) instead of a shared library (.dll). Then you would link your own DLL against the static library, and clients will only have to worry about linking to your DLL.

hi i have tried this in the Properties page->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies" I have set "C:\OpenSSL\lib\libeay32.lib C:\OpenSSL\lib\ssleay32.lib $(NOINHERIT)"This allows the static library from openssl to be linked so it can be compiled properly but how come it still complain about missing lib32eay.dll?
In Windows a .lib file can either be a static library or an import library for a DLL. Looks like you're linking against the import library instead of a static library. You have to either obtain a precompiled OpenSSL static library or else compile it yourself.
Hey thanks cwick I just found that is the case after having to recompile the openssl I realise there is a static version of lib32eay.lib and also a version for the DLL. The static version was 3MB while the one for the DLL was smaller at around 800Kb so I guess this is what you mean. I correctly pointed the additional dependencies to the bigger version and voila it builds and runs without the DLL.