I am trying to create a script that will only execute its actions if the email address the user enters is from a specific domain. I created a regex that seems to work when testing it via regex utility, but when its used in my PHP script, it tells me that valid emails are invalid. In this case, I want any email that is from @secondgearsoftware.com, @secondgearllc.com or asia.secondgearsoftware.com to echo success and all others to be rejected.
$pattern = '/\b[A-Z0-9\._%+-]+@((secondgearsoftware|secondgearllc|euro\.secondgearsoftware|asia\.secondgearsoftware)+\.)+com/';
$email = urldecode($_POST['email']);
if (preg_match($pattern, $email))
echo 'success';
echo 'opposite success';
I am not really sure what's futzed with the pattern. Any help would be appreciated.