I'm building a parser for an imaginary programming language called C-- (not the actual C-- language). I've gotten to the stage where I need to translate the language's grammar into something Pyparsing can accept. Unfortunatly when I come to parse my input string (which is correct and should not cause Pyparsing to error) it's not parsing correctly. I fear this is due to errors in my grammar, but as I'm starting Pyparsing for the first time, I can't seem to see where I'm going wrong.
I've uploaded the grammar that I'm translating from here for people to have a read through.
EDIT: Updated with the advice from Paul.
This is the grammer I've currently got (the two top lines of Syntax definition are terribly bad of me I know):
# Lexical structure definition
ifS = Keyword('if')
elseS = Keyword('else')
whileS = Keyword('while')
returnS = Keyword('return')
intVar = Keyword('int')
voidKeyword = Keyword('void')
sumdiff = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
prodquot = Literal('*') | Literal('/')
relation = Literal('<=') | Literal('<') | Literal('==') | \
Literal('!=') | Literal('>') | Literal('=>')
lbrace = Literal('{')
rbrace = Literal('}')
lparn = Literal('(')
rparn = Literal(')')
semi = Literal(';')
comma = Literal(',')
number = Word(nums)
identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums)
# Syntax definition
term = ''
statement = ''
variable = intVar + identifier + semi
locals = ZeroOrMore(variable)
expr = term | OneOrMore(Group(sumdiff + term))
args = ZeroOrMore(OneOrMore(Group(expr + comma)) | expr)
funccall = Group(identifier + lparn + args + rparn)
factor = Group(lparn + expr + rparn) | identifier | funccall | number
term = factor | OneOrMore(prodquot + factor)
cond = Group(lparn + expr + relation + expr + rparn)
returnState = Group(returnS + semi) | Combine(returnS + expr + semi)
assignment = Group(identifier + '=' + expr + semi)
proccall = Group(identifier + lparn + args + rparn + semi)
block = Group(lbrace + locals + statement + rbrace)
iteration = Group(whileS + cond + block)
selection = Group(ifS + cond + block) | Group(ifS + cond + block + elseS + block)
statement = OneOrMore(proccall | assignment | selection | iteration | returnState)
param = Group(intVar + identifier)
paramlist = OneOrMore(Combine(param + comma)) | param
params = paramlist | voidKeyword
procedure = Group(voidKeyword + identifier + lparn + params + rparn + block)
function = Group(intVar + identifier + lparn + params + rparn + block)
declaration = variable | function | procedure
program = OneOrMore(declaration)
I'd like to know if there are any mistakes I've made in translating the grammar across and what improvements I could do to make it simplified whilst adhering to the grammar I've been given.
EDIT 2: Updated to include the new error.
Here is the input string I am parsing:
int larger ( int first , int second ) {
if ( first > second ) {
return first ;
} else {
return second ;
void main ( void ) {
int count ;
int sum ;
int max ;
int x ;
x = input ( ) ;
max = x ;
sum = 0 ;
count = 0 ;
while ( x != 0 ) {
count = count + 1 ;
sum = sum + x ;
max = larger ( max , x ) ;
x = input ( ) ;
output ( count ) ;
output ( sum ) ;
output ( max ) ;
And this is the error message I get when running my program from Terminal:
/Users/Joe/Documents/Eclipse Projects/Parser/src/pyparsing.py:1156: SyntaxWarning: null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead
other = Literal( other )
/Users/Joe/Documents/Eclipse Projects/Parser/src/pyparsing.py:1258: SyntaxWarning: null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead
other = Literal( other )
Expected ")" (at char 30), (line:6, col:26)