



Hey all, I have this SimpleXMLElement object with a XML setup similar to the following...

$xml <<< EOX

$sx = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml );

Now I have a class named Book that contains info. about each book. The same class can also spit out the book info. in XML format akin the the above (the nested block).. example,

$book = new Book( 'EFGH' );

... will generate

Now I'm trying to figure out a way by which I can use this generated XML block and append as a child of so that now it looks like... for example..

// Non-existent member method. For illustration purposes only.
$sx->addXMLChild( $book->genXML() );    

...XML tree now looks like:

From what documentation I have read on SimpleXMLElement, addChild() won't get this done for you as it doesn't support XML data as tag value.

Any ideas on how I should go about this ?

Thanks, m^e

+1  A: 

Two solutions. First, you do it yourself: you have to import your $sx object to DOM, create a DOMDocumentFragment and use appendXML().

Or, second solution: you grab SimpleDOM and you use insertXML(), which works like the addXMLChild() method you were describing.

include 'SimpleDOM.php';

$books = simpledom_load_string(

Josh Davis
I'd go for the 1st method as it doesn't involve any external libraries. Played around with the code a bit and managed to figure out the exact code sequence. Thanks. That helped bigtime :)
Please contribute with the exact code sequence if you still have it...!

Hi there. I have tried to get around this assumably simple issue of updating an XML file, but I struggle. Have a look at my code:

$doc = new DOMDocument();       

$fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment();     
echo $doc->saveXML(); 
$numberOfBytesWritten = file_put_contents("test.xml", $doc);
echo "We wrote " . $numberOfBytesWritten . " number of bytes.";

I have checked file permissions, and I would have expected the creation of an XML file on my server with this code. Alas, nothing is written.

Please point me in the right directions here!
