
How do you hookup your event? Are you sure that it's beign triggered? Tried putting an alert or something in there, to make sure?

What does your dataString look like? type: 'POST' is enough to make the ajax callback a post, so it might be your data that's being passed in a bad manner.

David Hedlund
I've updated the original question to answer your questions. Thanks
+1  A: 

This might work better:

var text = ...
var post_id = ...

    type: 'POST',
    url: 'process.php',
    data: { reply_text: text, post_id: post_id }
Darin Dimitrov
Hi Darin, I just tried that and still doesn't work for POST (though it still works for GET).
When you look at FireBug, do you see the parameters sent? I begin to suspect that there's something wrong with your server side script rather than the javascript.
Darin Dimitrov
oh wow great tip. I checked FireBug and it was giving me a 302 for my POST. The reason is that I'm using .htaccess to rewrite my URLs without the ".php" at the end. In my js I was telling ajax to go to "process.php" when I just needed to send it to "process" (without the .php). I can't believe that fixed it! Thank you so much :D

If you want to post forms with AJAX, I suggest the jQuery Form Plugin, which does so nicely and unobtrusively.
