



I have been trying to search frantically for Nesting GridViews(4 levels). I have used Rowdetailstemplate for 2 levels for a different view but not beyond it. Many articles have gridview inside a TreeView which is ok but I need my inner elements to have headers too. Something like this(

Many articles have gridviews inside treeview but with no headers. In this at eachlevel I want to add headers. Any help appreciated.


There are special tools for it in WPF, and they are the ListCollectionView and the BindingListCollectionView, both declared as CollectionViewSource.

Please take a look here, I am sure it will help you a lot.

In short, it should be declared:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="BlogsCollection" Source="{Binding Blogs}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="ArticlesCollection" 
    Source="{Binding Articles, Source={StaticResource BlogsCollection}}" />

I used it with a case like yours but I my DG's SelectionMode was set to one row, and it worked fine, donn't how it will behave in multiselection, but I am sure it could be worked out (maybe by setting the staticresource inside the details etmplate).
