Hi. I have a java web app running in spring web flow framework and hibernate as ORM. I wanna ask what the best practice is with regards to binding the form values. Do I create a pojo or bean representing each form so that I have an object where I can bind the form to? I can try getting the values as parameters in the url but I don't think this is a good approach.
What I was trying to do is pass the values inputted from the forms to the flow xml and use the values there as parameters in calling functions.
<view-state id="editForm" model="registerBean" view="../xhtml/framework/edit">
<transition on="editButton" to="dummy" >
<set name="flowScope.newPassword" value="requestParameters.newPassword"/>
<set name="flowScope.confirmPassword" value="requestParameters.confirmPassword"/>
<transition on="delete" to="deleteEmployee" />
<transition on="back" to="loginSuccessful" />
I printed ${newPassword} in an xhtml file but get no output. So I was thinking of having an object representing the form and bind the values and access them in my flow xml