While trying to apply agile principles to our development process, in particular scrum principles and XP-like user stories, we faced a problem about the architecture.
Maybe we are still too much linked to the architecture-centric development, however we are trying to maintain a strong component based development, mixed with the agile modeling principles. Our aim is to have a small design up front, prone to evolutions during the development.
What I'm looking for is something that could let me place into my backlog stories about my architecture and the components inside of it: development stories, not only usage stories. System story could be a different kind of user story, which tells something that is not strictly related to business value, but that is instead linked to architecture and quality concerns of a system.
Edit: I found this research of the Aalborg University about "developer stories".
Have you any experience, idea or opposition?
Thank you in advance! (this is my first question! :D)