Okay; IMO this is gross, hairy, dark magic. You shouldn't use it, perhaps ever, but especially not in production code. It is kind of interesting just for curiosity's sake, however.
You can write a custom importer using the mechanisms described in PEP 302, and further discussed in Doug Hellmann's PyMOTW: Modules and Imports. That gives you the tools to accomplish the task you contemplated.
I implemented such an importer, just because I was curious. Essentially, for the modules you specify by means of the class variable __chatty_for__
, it will insert a custom type as a __metaclass__
variable in the imported module's __dict__
, before the code is evaluated. If the code in question defines its own __metaclass__
, that will replace the one pre-inserted by the importer. It would be inadvisable to apply this importer to any modules before carefully considering what it would do to them.
I haven't written many importers, so I may have done one or more silly things while writing this one. If anyone notices flaws / corner cases I missed in the implementation, please leave a comment.
source file 1:
# foo.py
class Foo: pass
source file 2:
# bar.py
class Bar: pass
source file 3:
# baaz.py
class Baaz: pass
and the main event:
# chattyimport.py
import imp
import sys
import types
class ChattyType(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
print "Class init", name
super(ChattyType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
class ChattyImporter(object):
__chatty_for__ = []
def __init__(self, path_entry):
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if fullname not in self.__chatty_for__:
return None
if path is None:
self.find_results = imp.find_module(fullname)
self.find_results = imp.find_module(fullname, path)
except ImportError:
return None
(f,fn,(suf,mode,typ)) = self.find_results
if typ == imp.PY_SOURCE:
return self
return None
def load_module(self, fullname):
#print '%s loading module %s' % (type(self).__name__, fullname)
(f,fn,(suf,mode,typ)) = self.find_results
data = f.read()
if fullname in sys.modules:
module = sys.modules[fullname]
sys.modules[fullname] = module = types.ModuleType(fullname)
module.__metaclass__ = ChattyType
module.__file__ = fn
module.__name__ = fullname
codeobj = compile(data, fn, 'exec')
exec codeobj in module.__dict__
return module
class ChattyImportSomeModules(ChattyImporter):
__chatty_for__ = 'foo bar'.split()
import foo # prints 'Class init Foo'
import bar # prints 'Class init Bar'
import baaz