



I'm probably just being very thick here, but it's not clear to me where I'm supposed to install 'new' user-specific programs on Windows 7 (and presumably Vista too, though I've not specifically looked at that scenario yet).

Under Windows XP (rightly or wrongly) we always installed our programs into folders under 'Program Files' and accepted that they'd be kind-of available to everyone. From what I can gather under Windows 7 I'm supposed to install my software under the user's AppData folder (possibly AppData\Local\MyApp). That makes a degree of sense, but the fact that this folder is 'hidden' by default means that we're going to have 'fun' talking our users through support stuff.

I want to install our software so that it's user specific (the Users bit in Windows 7 makes perfect sense) but I do want the user to be able to access it if required. Our program also includes a 'data' subdirectory which it needs to write into while it's running (embedded database), but as the program is intended to be single-user/standalone, the data folder being inside a user-specific folder isn't going to be a problem.

My problem is just that whole 'hidden folder' aspect of AppData. As much as I've trawled the MSDN, I can't work out where else I'm supposed to install user-specific programs. Taken one way it would seem to be something like AppData\Local\MyApp, and another way it would seem to be just as valid under the user's My Documents\MyApp equivalent.

Has anyone got a clear guide for where all this stuff goes? I found the MSDN docs confusing. :-)


There is no "real" per user programs folder, so your only option is like you say, appdata or localappdata (Both Chrome from Google and Live Mesh from MS does it)

+3  A: 

Not really.

The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data for the current roaming user.

AppData is, surprisingly, for application data, not for installation (Click Once/Silverlight applications aside). You can, and should still install into Program Files, just don't expect to write into that folder.

You can install software into AppData if you want it to follow a user about in an Active Directory environment, which happens if you put it in AppData\Roaming (the SpecialFolder.ApplicationData location).

You can also install into AppData if you want the software to be available to just the user that installs it. This can be useful if, for example, you have multiple users on the same machine, who all want to run different versions of the software in complete isolation.

If you want settings to only apply on the local machine then you use AppData\Local, which is SpecialFolders.LocalApplicationData - this will make AD administrators very happen as the roaming profile size doesn't suddenly jump up 50Mb or whatever the size of your software is.

If you wanted to create settings which apply to all users then you're looking at SpecialFolders.CommonApplicationData

You should remember never to rely on the actual name of the directory - localisation issues mean this can change and the location does change with OS versions two. You should be using the special folder enumeration in your software, or the equivalent in your installer.

Could you not install into Program Files, but use AppData as it's supposed to be used, and store your database in there?

Thanks, that does make sense although it will require some changes to the app code itself which is a pain. The program also has an INI file, which I guess now needs to go with the database into AppData\Local too. The only problem with installing into Program Files is (I guess) that the user would need admin privileges during install, whereas when we were installing into AppData\Local during our experiments, (I'm pretty sure) we 'got away with it'. I do think Microsoft have screwed this up a bit - a per-user, fully-accessible Program Files would have made more sense.
Ooh, plus I suppose now we'd also have to think about what would happen if another user tried to run the program (via Program Files) under their own account - the app would need to spot it had nothing under that user's AppData\Local folder for itself, and generate a new per-user copy of the database and default settings, etc. *sigh* It all seems a bit of a mess to me!
An INI file? How old school are you :) And yes, Program Files does need Admin rights to install, which isn't a bad thing, network admins won't like users having the ability to install willy nilly :) Under windows there's no offical "Per User" install, unless you're using Click Once, which does that, and uses App Data. As for checking for missing databases, you should be doing that anyway ;)
Forgot to say - obviously the settings file needs to become a set of registry keys, too. :-)
Remember don't use the actual path names, use the SpecialFolders enumeration. Then you don't have to care about what it looks like under each OS