I've found this breakpoint setter from the Tcl wiki (from Richard Suchenwirth) to be handy. Once the interpreter sees a call to this, say "bp beforehairyfunction", it pauses and gives you a tclsh prompt.
proc bp {{s {}}} {
if ![info exists ::bp_skip] {
set ::bp_skip [list]
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $::bp_skip $s]>=0} return
if [catch {info level -1} who] {set who ::}
while 1 {
puts -nonewline "$who/$s> "; flush stdout
gets stdin line
if {$line=="c"} {puts "continuing.."; break}
if {$line=="i"} {set line "info locals"}
catch {uplevel 1 $line} res
puts $res