Hi, my name is Edd and I need your help. This error occurs on page load in my classic ASP application:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009' Subscript out of range: 'cont' /admin/cadastros_apz_material.asp, line 173
The associated code is:
do while not rs.eof
for i = 1 to tpp
if i = 1 then matriz(cont) = Rs("id_material_apv_produto") else matriz(cont) = matriz(cont) & "_" & rs("id_material_apv_produto")
rs.movenext: if rs.eof then exit do
next: cont = cont + 1
loop: set rs = nothing: if cint(pag) = 1 and ubound(matriz) >= 1 then id = matriz(1)