



hi, i am moving from jquery to prototype because of compatibility issue with IE6. basically, i have a multiple submits in one page and i want to submit the form via ajax and return the result to associated div of each form.

this is what i have used in jquery for multiple submit

i am getting value of submit id and using that for div value.

$(".button").click(function() { var element = $(this); var Id = element.attr("id");

 var dataString = $("#UpdateBond"+Id).serialize(); 

 //alert (dataString); return false;

 $("#flash"+Id).fadeIn(400).html('<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" align="absmiddle"> updating.....');

  type: "POST",
  url: "index2.cgi",
  data: dataString,
  success: function(html) {
return false;

another issue is slider. IE6 doesn't support jquery slider so i am kinda in dilemma. i was wondering if there is similar stuff in prototype. i am trying to learn prototype now.

+1  A: 

I would say IE6 is really, really not worth changing technologies any more. I'm all for downward compatibility and supporting older systems but you have to draw a line somewhere. My 2 cents.

IE6 is something i am stuck with right now because IE6 is standard web browser in the company i am working. plus jquery is not supported here. i was thinking of convincing upper management to support it but due to IE6 incompatibility issue, now i am planning to move to prototype because prototype is supported here. jquery is a such an easy framework to work with and it sucks to move away from it.
I see. Well then the only thing that comes to mind is to give them a estimate of how long this move is going to take, and what it is going to cost them.
Oh and wouldn't it be less hassle to rebuild the slider to work in IE6?
i have fixed the slider now. Thanks
IE6 may be dying out in the west, but in Russia I saw nothing else. Just beware that by ecluding IE6, you exclude many visitors from poor countries.
But why? Installing IE7 is free, and hardly more resource consuming than IE6. I am very much for designing sites so they can be accessed from anywhere, and I'm the first one to put in unpaid time to make sure they can , but *IE6*? Is there a special reason I don't see? Bandwidth issues? Specialties in Windows editions?