




hi there

i am doing a query thus:

int numberInInterval = (from dsStatistics.J2RespondentRow item in jStats.J2Respondent
                   where item.EndTime > dtIntervalLower && item.EndTime <= dtIntervalUpper
                   select item).count();

there appear to be some dbnulls in the endtime column.. any way i can avoid these?

tried adding && where item.endtime != null.. and even != dbnull.value

do i have to do a second (first) query to grab all that arent null then run the above one?

im sure its super simple fix, but im still missing it.. as per

thanks nat


The way I typically do this in a T-SQL query is to use ISNULL on the date, and set the date to something like '12/31/2099' when it's null.

With Linq it could be something like this:

from t in MyTable where Convert.ToString((Convert.ToString(t.MyDateColumn) ?? "12/31/2099")) < MyTargetValue

Randy Minder
+1  A: 

I think you want to use item.EndTime.HasValue, and not item.EndTime == null.

Frank Schwieterman
+1  A: 

The simplest way to do it is to use .GetValueOrDefault(...Some reasonable default...) on the value that can be null and it will avoid the error.
