Given that I know no web frameworks in Python and would like to keep it Very Simple at the moment (as I am Very Stupid), for what is a prototype of sketchy longevity, are there any streamlined, simple, "batteries-included" modules for this? (It is also too early in my Python career to evaluate frameworks, select one, and learn it.) I see a module named "Cookie," which could serve as a foundation, but nothing session-specific.
I'm familiar with the basic session concepts, having used them in classic ASP and gotten into the nuts-and-bolts of them in Perl, but I am not seeing a lot for Python. Beaker looks interesting, but then the documentation seems to require middleware with WSGI and I'm back to the frameworks problem.
I've found an old recipe on ActiveState for sessions, which could obviously use some buffing up. The information being held is not anything anyone would mind having been grabbed, so while I am normally quite security conscious, I would be willing to be a little bit more lax with this prototype.
Or is this a "roll-your-own" problem?
I will be using Python 2.6 on IIS 7.0.