



Dear All,

I have accidently deleted the default-website on an "experimental" machine. It is a standard-installation of "Windows Web Server 2008" with II7 running.

I have already tried to create a custom website on my own, but this always fails when I try to access the website in the browser (remote and locally). There is an endless number of permission- and setting - errors.

Could you please show me a link to a tutorial on what to do in my case? Or possibly any suggestions what common pitfalls are in such situations?

Thank you! Daniel Lang


Save your custom code (virtual directories) and reinstall IIS? Probably cleanest.


Make sure your site points to %systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot, and then it has little difference from the default one.

Learning about how to back up IIS settings on IIS is a must for beginners,

Lex Li

I'm having similar problems. I've got a virtual machine with windows web server 2008 and iis7 and even if I create an empty site with a index.html containing just "hello world" I get a file not found error. when I publish my real code, with code running on session start in global.asax I get a generic "code error". and I just cannot seem to get "real" error message.


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