



Can jQuery provide a fallback for failed AJAX calls? This is my try:

function update() {
    var requestOK = false;

    $.getJSON(url, function(){
        alert('request successful');
        requestOK = true;

    if (!requestOK) {
        alert('request failed');

Unfortunately, even if the callback function of the $.getJSON() method is called, i get the message 'request failed', before the callback function has the opportunity to set the requestOK variable. I think it's because the code runs in parallel. Is there a way to handle such situations? I thought about chaining or some way of waiting for the AJAX request, including its callback function. But how? Does anyone know how to do that?


Yes, it's built in to jQuery. See the docs at jquery documentation.

ajaxError may be what you want.

+3  A: 

You will need to either use the lower level $.ajax call, or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the $.ajax method:

function update() {
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: url,
    timeout: 5000,
    success: function(data, textStatus ){
       alert('request successful');
    error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
       alert('request failed');

EDIT I added a timeout to the $.ajax call and set it to five seconds.

Doug Neiner
that's already great! but it doesn't seem to work, if the internet connection is down :(. that's quite important, because i'm developing a dashboard widget for osx and want to display some kind of message, saying that a request was not possible. any other tips?
@Patrick, I updated my answer to include the `timeout` parameter. It should call the error function after 5 seconds if the internet connection is down.
Doug Neiner
thanks a ton! works perfectly!
sorry for all the double question trouble and so on! i opened a new question because i thought, that my original question was basically answered and it would be more appropriate to move it to a new one. didn't know that the answer to my second question had so much to do with my first one ;) nevertheless, i cheered to soon. still doesn't fall back to the error function, even if i set the timeout parameter to 1, which would be absolutely unrealistic. is it possible that the timeout parameter is overridden by something else?
No worries, I was being to sensitive. Let me look into it more. Since you do have the other question now, I will post my findings over there :)
Doug Neiner

I believe that what you are looking for is error option for the jquery ajax object

getJSON is a wrapper to the $.ajax object, but it doesn't provide you with access to the error option.

EDIT: dcneiner has given a good example of the code you would need to use. (Even before I could post my reply)

Sean Vieira