In the table 'Emplyoee' there are two fields-JoinDate and EmployeeName.
All Data contains in Emplyoee table is as follows:
JoinDate | EmployeeName
02-12-2009 Vijay
03-12-2009 Binoy
03-12-2009 Rahul
My select query is as follows:
SELECT DISTINCT JoinDate,EmployeeName FROM Emplyoee
I got the Result as follows:
JoinDate | EmployeeName
02-12-2009 Vijay
03-12-2009 Binoy
03-12-2009 Rahul
But i need the result as follows:
JoinDate | EmployeeName
02-12-2009 Vijay
03-12-2009 Binoy(first employee joined on this date)