




I want to run a simple Apache Camel example that copies files from one directory to another:

CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {

  public void configure () throws Exception {

If I run this example using Apache Camel 2.0.0 the program exits immediately after context.start(); and does nothing. If I add Thread.sleep(30000); after the starting of the CamelContext, the background threads do their work and files get copied from the source to the destination directory for 30 seconds.

However, if I run the same code using Apache Camel 1.6.2 the start() method blocks automatically and I don't need to put the main thread to sleep in order to get files copied. I haven't found a hint that this behavior changed from Camel 1.x to 2.x. Is this really the intended behavior? Is it possible to let the start() method block the execution in Camel 2.0.0?


+3  A: 

Yeah calling start() on camel context should newer block the thread. And this correct behavior of Camel 2.0.

You can use the MainSupport class from org.apache.camel.util as a starting point to have blocked until you hit ctrl + c or call stop() on CamelContext.

See for example Main in camel-spring which extends MainSupport and is capable of loading Camel from a spring XML file.

Claus Ibsen
In Camel 2.2.0 start() blocks again. Did you return the previous behavior?
Henryk Konsek
+1  A: 

Or you can add


after context.start();
