anyone could help me understand the following asp.net 2.0 coding? It is supposed to show me a couple of the latest photos i uploaded to a particular folder in the photoalbum. however when i upload a new file in an folder which already has images... the images that show up when using the code is the first images in this folder... and sometimes nothing shows up...
latestfolder = "na"
latestdate = cdate("01/01/09")
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fo=fs.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("images/gallery"))
for each folder in fo.subfolders
if cdate(folder.DateLastModified) > latestdate then
latestdate = cdate(folder.DateLastModified)
latestfolder = folder.name
end if
if latestfolder <> "na" then
set fi=fs.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("images/gallery/" & latestfolder))
looptimes = 0
for each file in fi.files
if month(file.DateLastModified) = month(latestdate) then
if right(lcase(file.Name),3) = "jpg" then %>
<a href="thumbnail.aspx?picture=<%=server.URLEncode("images/gallery/" & latestfolder & "/" & file.Name)%>&maxWidth=640&maxHeight=480" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; cursor:pointer;">
<img src="thumbnail.aspx?picture=<%=server.URLEncode("images/gallery/" & latestfolder & "/" & file.Name)%>&maxWidth=100&maxHeight=60" style="border:1px solid #ffffff; margin:5px; margin-top:14px;">
<% end if
end if
looptimes = looptimes + 1
if looptimes = 6 then exit for end if
end if
hope some can help me :)