A lot of confusion is around the use of a-tags because they cross-browser support the :hover pseudo-css-selector ...
Therefore it's often obvious to use an a-tag, as it would render differently according to different stages of mouse-hover ...
Some would claim that the functionality built into the :hover pseudo-tag shouldn't be available at all, as the W3C intention is to separate content, visual presentation and functionality in the three parts of dynamic html; html, css and javascript.
But for now we're stuck with it, and for the time being it is functional to use a-tags in a lot of ways, as they accomplish tasks in a simple way, and it is right-forward cross-browser !-)
But that means that you sometimes have to disable the default behavior of those link-tags, and that means that you have to make the onclick-event return false, when it doesn't make sense to change the contents of the current document ...
However very good examples of using the dismissing of default behavior can be made, an example could be to provide a popup with certain properties even if the user has disabled the use of javascript:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Css" target="_blank" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','width=600,height=450,status=no');return false;">Show wikipedia css</a>