



Hi guys, I know coldfusion builder is released for developing coldfusion 9 applications. Now my question is whether coldfusion builder support COLDFUSION 8 development? Great thanks.


I am sure it supports it, in that you can write code that works just fine. In fact, I have used it to develop CF7 code - you just need to be aware that by default the hinting and helping mechanisms will probably target the features of 9 and you might get some errors from that. At least in CFEclipse you can change the version you are targetting - I would imagine CFBuilder allows for the same thing, but alas, I don't have it handy to hunt for the setting.

Give the demo a shot and see what you think.

+9  A: 

You can change the ColdFusion version for code assist, etc in the preferences. Under ColdFusion > Editor Profiles > Editor > Code Assist.

The options are version 7 through 9.

Sam Farmer
Great thanks Sam.