I'm using a configuration file to route my requests in my application. I have the following entries:
routes.deal.route = "deal/:id/*"
routes.deal.defaults.controller = "deal"
routes.deal.defaults.action = "index"
routes.deal.reqs.id = "\d+"
routes.deal.route = "deal/buy/:id/*"
routes.deal.defaults.controller = "deal"
routes.deal.defaults.action = "buy"
routes.deal.reqs.id = "\d+"
here's what the behavior I'm looking for: mysite.com/deal/75 --- this will display the details of Deal 75 (equivalent to mysite.com/deal/?id=75; controller=deal, action=index)
mysite.com/deal/buy/75 -- buy deal 75 or (controller=deal, action=buy) -- equivalent to mysite.com/deal/buy?id=75
I can only get one to work and not the other. Whichever is specified first in the config, that's what will work.
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong here? Any help is greatly appreciated.
thanks, Oji