



Possible Duplicates:
Best reference sites for HTML and JavaScript programming
What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference?

What english-language online resources do you use as a reference on HTML rules, tags and elements, and real-life compatibility information (IE 6 on Mac renders tag X only if the doctype is Y)? Where do you go to check whether a certain attribute is allowed for a certain element, or how it is rendered in a certain browser?

Where do you go for Javascript reference information? Where do you find out whether a function or method is supported by browser Z?

+5  A: 

Personally, I always use the standards on for HTML, CSS and DOM, and MDC for JS and DOM. I'll head over to MSDN if I need to figure out the quirks of IE, though I've also been known to use Quirksmode. On rare occasions I'll consult ECMA-262 for JS. Some people might not consider the standards "English", but they work for me.

This is exactly how I would answer this. jQuery docs are the only resource missing.
Agreed. The standards/specs are unadulterated by pedagogical compromises (such as introducing material perceived to be more commonly used or easier-to-understand first, which can then predispose you to apply that material too often if the course doesn't cover advanced topics). However, once studied and understood, intelligent application of the specs only comes with understanding of other concerns: security, maintainability, transport, browser interpretation, SEO, etc. Learn them one step at a time; but the specs should be one of the first steps.
Thanks for that set of links, to my discredit I never thought of using the standards as a reference. See my response to your comment below as to why.
+1  A: 

I've always been a fan of for the basics.

You have to be careful at w3schools. There's some bad information on there, though I imagine the references are safe.
Yes, the references are good. They have an advantage over the standards documents in that the are far easier to use for quick reference (all the tags are listed on one page, and you can click through for examples).

For HTML and CSS, I use the W3schools reference.


For doctype behaviours I check and for browser quirks and supported CSS properties and JS functions the great and very good navigbable compatibility tables at

+1  A: 

here's a good start on what features are supported by what browser.

If you want books, I'd go with web development in a nutshell. for html and css. Covers them effectively, and has good sections on CSS hacks, and stuff like image, audio, and video formats.

Then you have a number of choices for javascript. Javascript: the definitive guide is a great full reference. Javascript: the good parts is a very good to look at after you've read that, as it will give deeper insight into javascript as a whole. :D

+6  A: 

If searching for javascript reference, I add 'mdc' to the search string so the google results link to instead of the old and tired w3schools.


For CSS you should have a look at csszengarden

For HTML I'm using SelfHTML there was an english version available. :(

For compatibility reasons, maybe YAML will interest you.

The csszengarden is a nice demonstration, but it makes a poor reference and is controversial wrt accessibility, semantic markup, and other issues; check out their FAQ. (It is still a *nice* demonstration for visual appeal though. :)
Roger Pate
Yep, totaly agreet. Usualy you read a book or something on the net, but they give you only a overview of tags and maybe some posibilities what you can do with it. csszengarden is a nice place for inspiration. I think, everybody should have seen it, when she or he starts to use CSS.