




One of my template tags should return a list of links; most of the elements get their name from the database with the exception of one, which I'll hardcode because it will never change.

lista_menu = '<ul class="menu">\n\
<li><a href="' + reverse('profileloja', args=(s_loja,)) + '">' + \
loja.nome.title() + '</a></li>\n<li><a href="' + reverse('index', args=(s_loja,)) + \
'">' + 'Página principal' + '</a></li>\n'

The string 'Página principal' causes the following error:

TemplateSyntaxError at /teste/painel/

Caught an exception while rendering: ('ascii', 'P\xc3\xa1gina principal', 1, 2, 'ordinal not in range(128)')

If I define the string as unicode(u'Página...') it works fine, but I don't understand why. Shouldn't django know how to work with this after I define # -- coding: utf-8 -- on the top of my code?

Edit: if I define a simple tag that returns a variable with the same string('Página principal') it works fine. So why is this case different that forces me to define the string as unicode?


def menupainel(s_loja):
    def listapaginas(paginfo_menu):
        lista_menu = ''
        for pagina in paginfo_menu:
            lista_menu += '<li><a href="' + \
                reverse('painel_paginfo', args=(pagina.loja, pagina.id))+ \
                '">' + pagina.titulo.title() + '</a></li>\n'
            lista_menu += '<li class="opcoes_objecto"><a href="' + \
                          reverse('editpaginfo', args=(pagina.loja, pagina.id)) + \
                          '">' + pagina.titulo.title() + '</a></li>\n'
            lista_menu += '<li class="opcoes_objecto"><a href="' + \
                          reverse('delpaginfo', args=(pagina.loja, pagina.id)) + \
                          '">' + pagina.titulo.title() +'</a></li>\n'
            return lista_menu
    loja = get_object_or_404(Loja, slug=s_loja)  
    menus = loja.menus.all()
    paginfo_sem_menu = PaginaInfo.objects.filter(loja=loja).\
    lista_menu = '<ul class="menu">\n\
<li><a href="' + reverse('profileloja', args=(s_loja,)) + '">' + \
loja.nome.title() + '</a></li>\n<li><a href="' + reverse('index', args=(s_loja,)) + \
'">' + u'Página principal' + '</a></li>\n'      
    for menu in menus:
        paginfo_menu = menu.paginasinfo.exclude(slug='index')
        if paginfo_menu:
            lista_menu += '<li id="titulo">' + \
                          menu.nome.title() + '</li>\n' + \
    if paginfo_sem_menu:
        lista_menu += listapaginas(paginfo_sem_menu)
    lista_menu += '</ul>'
    return lista_menu
+1  A: 

This is a python thing. Ordinary strings store 1 character per byte. Just use unicode version.


In Python 3, ordinary strings became unicode. But django isn't ported to 3 yet.


Just for information the coding: utf-8 at the beginning of the file, just tells the python parser to work with utf-8 encoded source code instead of the default ASCII. It has nothing to do with internal representations of strings.

if I define a simple tag that returns a variable with the same string('Página principal') it works fine. So why is this case different that forces me to define the string as unicode?
Ricardo B.

You should use the Unicode string prefix:

u'Página principal'
Alexander Kojevnikov