Hex is easy. Simply separate into 4 bit groups and convert each group to decimal. Then, obviously, replace 10 with A, 11 with B, 12 with C, 13 with D, 14 with E and 15 with F. Hex representations usually don't care about one or two's complement and simply reflect the bits exactly.
As to converting into decimal: depending on being one or two's complement, work out what the sign and absolute values would be. If the first bit is 0, it's positive, if it's 1 it's negative.
Positive values require no further modification. The absolute value of a negative value depends on it being one's or two's complement. One's complement is simply the negated bits (0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). For two's complement subtract 1 and then negate the bits.
Then sum the values of the bits set to 1 in the absolute value. The values of each bit are successive powers of two of increasing exponent, starting with 2^0 (=1) for the rightmost bit and increasing to the left.
Here are some wikipedia references: