I'm using Capistrano to deploy a Django application (it uses Nginx as the web server), using instructions I found at http://akashxav.com/2009/07/11/getting-django-running-on-nginx-and-fastcgi-on-prgmr/ (I had to look at a cached version earlier today) and was wondering about the last command in there, which is
python manage.py runfcgi host= port=8081 --settings=settings
I understand at a high level that this is telling the application that we want to run a few instances of the FastCGI binary to serve up this application.
What I was wondering is how is the best way to handle "resetting" this, for lack of a better word. For those who don't know, Capistrano deploys things by creating "releases" directories and then providing a symlink to the latest release.
Since I can do post-deployment tasks (I've done this with CakePHP applications to do things like properly set directory permissions for a caching directory in the application) I was wondering how to turn off the existing processes created by the command above and start up new ones.
I hope I am making sense.