I've been working on a really simple nearly-zero-configuration single-class ORM called Idiorm.
It gives you a fluent query API that looks like this:
$widgets = ORM::for_table('widget')
->where('size', 'large')
This will return an array of objects.
Another example: find a single object, update and save:
$widget = ORM::for_table('widget')->where('name', 'Basic Widget')->find_one();
$widget->name = 'Advanced Widget';
This requires no model configuration (no model classes or XML files) - just database connection details. It's a nice drop-in replacement to clean up legacy code littered with raw SQL strings, and it's perfect for small, simple applications.
Have a look at the documentation on Github. Also, see this blog post about Idiorm. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I have recently released another project - Paris - which is a very lightweight Active Record implementation built on top of Idiorm.