I can't find anything built in... but using the ExpandoMetaClass I can do this:
ArrayList.metaClass.collectMap = {Closure callback->
def map = [:]
delegate.each {
def r = callback.call(it)
map[r[0]] = r[1]
return map
this adds the collectMap method to all ArrayLists... I'm not sure why adding it to List or Collection didn't work.. I guess that's for another question... but now I can do this...
assert ["foo":"oof", "42":"24", "bar":"rab"] ==
["foo", "42", "bar"].collectMap { return [it, it.reverse()] }
from List to calculated Map with one closure... exactly what I was looking for.
Edit: the reason I couldn't add the method to the interfaces List and Collection was because I did not do this:
after that method call, you can add methods to interfaces.. which in this case means my collectMap method will work on ranges like this:
(0..2).collectMap{[it, it*2]}
which yields the map: [0:0, 1:2, 2:4]