




Lately I have been editing a single CSS file over and over, and it got me to thinking what files do you touch most within your project?

For me it would be the environment.rb, or the en.yml file if I was coding in Rails.

I would like to update a list here with the most frequent files over time.


  • environment.rb
  • en.yml
+6  A: 

For me it's TODO.txt. Usually additions, unfortunately.

Mark Byers
I was about to provide the same answer. +1 because this file exists in almost every project in any language I've ever seen.
Tim Post

The only file I keep on editing the same amount in all projects is build.xml if using Ant I think ;-)


Unless I've set up a script to extract revisions since the last tag from Mercurial, I usually update CHANGELOG or CHANGELOG.txt quite frequently for the benefit of those who downloaded a snapshot instead of cloning the repository.

Tim Post

No file in particular. I'll code a lot in one file for a day or two, hitting a couple of other related files as I do, then move on the the next.

If I'm spending the majority of my time in a single file, I usually figure that I'm doing something wrong.

+2  A: 

I edit en-US.yml all the time. I'll probably have to edit it before I finish this post. Yep, there I go.
