I have currently moved my blogengine over from Linq2Sql to NHIbernate.
I'm stuck at the following performance problem: I got one table: 'Posts', that has Id, Title, PostContent, DateCreated collumns and so on.
The problem is that, when I'm creating the "Recent posts list", I don't want the whole PostContent
In Linq2Sql you can set lazy loading on a single property, so it won't be part of the SQL query until you actually ask for the property.
I tried doing this with Fluent NHibernate, by doing this:
Map(x => x.PostContent).LazyLoad();
It didn't work out. Googling around, it seems that NHibernate doesn't support this, so my question is, how can I fix this?
Is it really not possible to lazy load my property without moving the content to a seperate table?
Thanks in advance!