I am writing a program in VBA that first compiles a Range from a series of cells and then later loops through the range to collect the data in the cells.
The problem is that I need the range to maintain the order in which I add the cells so that I can then collect the data in the correct order when I go back through. If the data are in columns that are adjacent, then the range converts it into stacks of rows.
To see what I mean, If you run this program:
Sub test_function()
Dim My_Range As Range
Dim My_Cell As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Set My_Range = Union(ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5"), ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B5"))
For Each My_Cell In My_Range
i = i + 1
My_Cell.Value = i
Next My_Cell
End Sub
You can see that the range is compiled of two adjacent columns of data (A1:A5 and B1:B5), but instead of this EXPECTED output:
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
You get
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
It will reproduce this behavior even if you add one cell at a time using Set My_Range = ActiveSheet.Range("A1") Set My_Range = Union(My_Range, ActiveSheet.Range("A2")) Set My_Range = Union(My_Range, ActiveSheet.Range("A3")) etc...
Is there any way to preserve the order in which I add cells to a range? Or is the only way to have separate adjacent ranges? At the very least (if I can't get it to preserve the exact order) is there a way for it to do columns FIRST and THEN rows?