



I am working on a program in C as a part of Homework in which I have to get the product of two long numbers which are taken as character string. eg: 123456789021 and 132456789098. Since it is taken as a string, I converted them to long long int for the multiplication. But the resulting product will be very large(larger than long long int I guess). Can anyone please suggest me a method to perform this multiplication?

+11  A: 

Here's one approach: Consider how you would multiply these numbers by hand, on paper. Implement this method in C. You will have to discover:

  • how to break up an integer (represented as a string) into digits
  • how to convert each digit back to an integer 0 <= d < 10
  • how to manage arrays of digits (ie. how big should you make the arrays?)
  • how to write the loop(s) you might need to implement multiplication
  • how to manage carrying products from one digit to the next
  • how to convert those digits back to characters for output
Greg Hewgill
And if it weren't for the fact that your input and output were in base 10, you could do all this more efficiently by using base 2^32 (digits held in a 64 bit type) or base 2^16 (in a 32 bit type) instead of base 10.
Steve Jessop

You can use a library for large integer arithmetik, Wikipedia has a list here.

Doc Brown
Although large number libraries are often helpful, I believe it would go against the thought and purpose behind the problem.
+1  A: 

usually big integers represented as byte arrays. You can look at Microsoft's BigInteger implementation in DLR. I think they've used algorithms developed by Knuth


Another approach would be to multiply the numbers as float/double and stip off the decimal when displaying the results.

Pratik Bhatt
You could potentially lose a lot of precision by doing this.
Jay Conrod
That won't give an exact answer if there are too many digits though. It may be good enough depending on the use case, but I don't think that's the point of the assignment.
Matthew Crumley
+1  A: 

Check this BigInteger library and a very basic sample code from World of Seven.

If you are interested in some of my home cooked codes in C (only multiplication) :


Code removed after I checked the home-work tag ;)


This works in some of the earlier programming contests I had participated ;)But if you are looking for even faster multiplication algorithm you can Implement Karatsuba algorithm,I personally use this now in real time contest.
