I cant seem to figure out DCC using Isaac but I cant seem to figure out how to receive and send files with the bot. I found a different IRC bot here that supports DCC but I cant figure out how to implement it with my app. Can anyone help me?
This is the current state of my app:
require 'isaac'
configure do |c|
c.nick = "TheBot"
c.realname = "TheBot"
c.server = "irc.quakenet.org"
c.verbose = true
c.port = 6667
trap("INT") do
quit "Bye bye." # Doesnt work
on :connect do
join "#thechannelhere"
on :private, /DCC SEND (.*) (.*) 0 (.*) (.*)/ do |filename, ip, filesize, token|
position = 0
raw "PRIVMSG #{nick} :\001DCC RESUME #{filename} 0 #{position} #{token}\001"
on :private, /DCC ACCEPT (.*) 0 (.*) (.*)/ do |filename, filesize, token|
peer_ip = IPSocket.getaddress(Socket.gethostname)
raw "PRIVMSG #{nick} :\001DCC SEND #{filename} #{peer_ip} 6667 #{filesize} #{token}\001"