Brief (unnecessary) background: I am in a graduate school focused on game development, and we have been given an assignment to work on throughout the next term (I have until the end of summer term). We get to choose the topic we would like to focus on and I figured the SO community would know some interesting topics.
Interesting could mean...
- Involves non-trivial solutions to common problems
- Area with lots of different solutions for the same/similar problems
- Area in which new solutions are still being developed or discovered recently
- Anything that someone might specialize in
- Anything you personally think is interesting
This is something that could go on a resume, so take into account...
- Subjects that will interest an interviewer
- Subjects that hiring companies wish entry-level programmers knew, but typically don't know
- Subjects that tend to be weak points of programmers, or of typical college CS curriculum
- Subjects that aren't saturated with other experts on the same subject
Here's some examples (provided by my professor) of possible ideas:
- a survey on pathfinding algorithms
- Compare the issues of deterministic vs asynchronous networking
- Graphics programming (broad; some subset of that)
- Interface programming
- Physics programming
- Customizable player models
- Game server backends
- Traffic/Flocking/Crowd AI
- Memory Management
- Multithreading
But what else beyond these?